
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Leave Those Kids Alone!

Russia is hosting the Olympics in a few months and has made the news in that Russia isn't real supportive of it's gay community.

Now Putin is saying that gays are welcome to come to the Olympic games...but leave their kids alone!

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that gay visitors to the 2014 Winter Olympics next month in Sochi should feel comfortable, but should "just leave kids alone."
His remarks, during a meeting with a group of volunteers at the Olympic mountain venue at Krasnaya Polyana, appeared to be an attempt to address international concern over Russia's tough stance against homosexuality.
"We have no ban on the nontraditional forms of sexual intercourse among people," Putin said in remarks carried by the Interfax news service. "We have the ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia. I want to stress this: propaganda among minors. These are two absolutely different things: a ban on certain relations or the propaganda of such relations."
Needless to say, the gays are in an uproar about his comments.

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