
Monday, January 20, 2014

Iran "2 to 3 Weeks" From Nuclear Bomb

We have watched these headlines about Iran and a nuclear bomb for some years now.

Of course we have no idea how close Iran might be...and of course even the U.S. Government was totally clueless about North Korea having a nuclear bomb until they exploded don't think for a moment that our government knows every little thing that is happening with Iran's nuclear program.

If Iran breaks its deal with the West tomorrow, the country would be only two to three weeks away from producing enough highly enriched uranium to assemble a nuclear weapon, according to Olli Heinonen, former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Heinonen directed the safeguards division of the United Nations body charged with enforcing the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
He was asked Sunday on Aaron Klein’s WABC Radio show about the timeframe in response to statements from Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, who boasted last week that Tehran can nix its deal with the West and resume enriching uranium to 20-percent levels within one day if it so desires.
Heinonen responded that if Iran wanted it would currently take the country “two, three weeks to have enough uranium hexafluoride high-enriched for one single weapon.”
He told Klein: “If [Iran] in reality [abrogates the deal] tomorrow, they still have quite a substantial stock of uranium hexafluoride, which is enriched to 20 percent. … And then technically, when Iran has committed to this month to certain parts of the processes in such a way these tandem cascades are not anymore connected with each other, you can indeed put them back in one day’s time.
This is tough stuff to think about.  Would Iran really use a nuke if they had one?  Could they really knock out all electricity in America if they blew up a nuke in our atmosphere?  Would America, the Great Satan, be gone forever if our electricity vanished for months??  Would they really be willing to launch a nuke at Israel knowing that it would result in millions of their own citizens dying of retaliation??
Question for much do you really think the ayatollahs of Iran care about the welfare of their own people??  Do you think they would sacrifice 40-50,000,000 of them if they thought for an instant that they could forever destroy the nation of Israel?
Next question for you....who do you think is pulling the strings on, and engineering the thoughts of, the Iranian leadership?
Final question for you believe Satan hates the nation Israel and the Jewish people?

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