
Monday, January 6, 2014

Black Boxes Will Be in All Our Cars

Do we have any idea how many times every day that we are recorded on a security camera somewhere?  Did you go to Walmart...then you were on camera getting out of your car and walking into the store.  Did you drive through an intersection...then chances are you are recorded on a camera driving your car with the exact time and date stamped on the photo.

Did you use your Visa card?  Then someone has an exact time and date stamp of where you were and what you bought.

Have you looked at your house lately by using Google Earth?  Pretty weird how you can see your pickup truck parked in the driveway.  And if those images are available for FREE on the Internet....can you imagine what images the government can see using high-definition telescopes mounted on satellites going over your house?  You can be sure they can read the tabs and bumper stickers on the back of your car.

So no doubt, it is already near impossible to hide from the government if they want to find you.

And now we read that a BLACK BOX is going into every car sold in America this year.  So of course the government will soon be able to know where every BLACK BOX is during every second of every day.

While it is certainly true that all this technology is helping to keep us safe, find criminals and make for better lives for us all....CAN YOU IMAGINE how one day it will be near IMPOSSIBLE to hide from the Antichrist and his technology?

You’ve probably heard about the forthcoming automotive black boxes. These “automotive data recorders” are able to let government and insurance personnel determine the conditions leading up to an accident. Whether you like this idea or not, pretty soon, it’s going to be mandatory in all cars. As of September 1, 2014, 100 percent of new cars and trucks will be required to be equipped with this feature.
Now, before you write your local congressman, it should be noted that 96 percent of new cars have this feature. It is more of a pleasantry for most car companies, and the new regulation would effect the four percent that do not yet have an automotive data recorder.

Sure, this automotive black box thing may seem like a case of Big Brother getting all up in your business, but remember; you can always buy an older car. Event data recorders have been in use since the 1970s, but mostly in the trucking industry. Through the years, more and more consumer automakers jumped on board, and while you might be skeptical, it will help get to the bottom of what caused an accident.

Our thought is, if this gets rid of the “he said-she said” aspect of accidents. Time and resources wasted by insurance companies will go down, and potentially insurance rates will go down…actually, that won’t happen. Oh well, get ready for Big Brother, or make peace with buying an older car.


Funny how the Yahoo author writing this article seems so casual about referring to Big Brother.  Sure it's funny until it isn't funny.

Yes I also realize this isn't really NEW technology and that ever since GM came out with OnStar 10-12 yrs ago they have had the ability to know exactly where your car is....but it is an interesting headline in that what USED to be the CHOICE of car makers is now going to be LEGISLATED by the government....and this seems one step closer to the totalitarian global government that the Bible says WILL BE COMING in the very Last Days.

Of course our BLESSED HOPE is that those who have accepted Christ will NOT have to endure The Great Tribulation that appears to be giving foreshadowing hints every single day.

John 14:3

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Yes!!  Jesus IS COMING BACK TO TAKE US ("take us" is another hint of Rapture) to the place He has been preparing for us!!
Amen!!  Even so...Come Lord Jesus!!

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