
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christian Blood Being Bottled and Sold

This news, which appears to be more than rumor, is incredibly troubling.

It is being reported that the butchers of a certain Muslim stripe in Syria are beheading Christians and then draining their blood, collecting it in vials and selling it to other Muslims in Saudi Arabia who believe that by washing their hands with the blood...they will somehow get closer with Allah.

Watch the nun give her testimony here...and I guess you will have to decide for yourselves whether or not she is telling the truth;

Our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East must believe that The Tribulation has started.  They are being raped, tortured, beheaded and mutilated all because of their belief in Christ.

And how many of us in America are aware of this??  How many bullets, guns and money has the USA sent to some of these folks...maybe even the butchers themselves??

Most of us had a nice church service this morning, drank some coffee, sat in our warm pews and then came home and watched football and took a nap.  I did it all!!  So when are we all going to wake up??  When is our media going to start reporting on this stuff?  When is Obama going to come out and start announcing these heinous facts??  How many of us are praying for these folks who are under intense persecution??

Lord have mercy...on these poor folks...and also on us for being complacent, ignorant and apathetic to the hell that some of our brother and sisters in Christ are CURRENTLY enduring.

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