
Friday, January 31, 2014

Curse Israel and the Curse Comes Back on Us

"I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

Most of my readers are no doubt familiar with that passage from Genesis where God speaks of the nations and their relationship to Israel.

Or how about this passage from Obadiah 1:15?

“For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head”

Wow!  You mean what America might be doing  to Israel could come back upon our own head??

Of course MANY Christians will come out of their skin when you suggest that Israel has anything to do with anything!!  People from other churches have told me straight up that "Israel is no different that Italy or Norway."



The Bible is a book that tells a story about Jews, Israel, promised land and Messiah...and a whole lot more.  It is NOT A BOOK about Italy and Norway.

So what might happen to America if we continue to curse Israel, betray her and pressure her to give up God's covenant lands while supporting boycotts of Israeli goods?

Maybe that is already coming back upon our own heads?

Considering what God said in Obadiah 1:15, trying to cut Israel down to size is the same thing as asking God to cut the U.S. down to size. Trying to harm Israel’s economy is the same thing as asking God to harm the U.S. economy. Trying to harm Israel’s crops and industry is the same thing as asking God to harm U.S. crops and industry. And encouraging the PA to start another intifada in Israel is the same thing as asking God to send rioting and demonstrations in the U.S. God is not mean. He will just give the nations what they ask for.

Isn’t it interesting that while the U.S. is trying to weaken Israel the U.S. is losing allies left and right (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, etc.)? And while the U.S. is trying to harm the economy of Israel the U.S. economy is tanking. And while the U.S. is urging the EU to boycott food grown on the West Bank of Israel the U.S. food supply is being threatened by the worst drought in California history.

In fact, the God who controls the rain and snow has shut up the heavens over California, but He has opened them up over Israel. California has received so little rain and snow that her reservoirs are dangerously low, she doesn’t have enough water to adequately irrigate her crops and several small communities could run out of water by this summer.

On the other hand, Israel has received so much rain and snow that her reservoirs are almost full and she has more than enough to irrigate her crops. She has even reduced the operation of her desalinization plants because she doesn’t need the water. The U.S. needs to pay attention to the Word of God and leave Israel alone. Things won’t get better if we keep asking for trouble.

Check out the whole article here;

I'm wondering if it would help if we ALL WROTE to our Congressman and Senators and told them we want Team Obama to LEAVE ISRAEL ALONE!!

Let's give it a try.  If it doesn't rain soon in CA we could ALL be in financial trouble a year from now.

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