
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Seems It Never Rains in Southern California

Hey!!  Did you know there is an EPIC drought happening in California?

Hey!!  Did you know that the drought WILL affect you??

"Come on now Dennis....this whole DROUGHT conversation is getting tiresome...we live in Minnesota which has plenty of water!  That's a California problem!  Would you please get back to writing about the Bible...please?"


So much of our food is grown in California?  Food that all of us, from Maine to Arizona , actually eat?

 Why is California so important in terms of US agriculture? Consider that the state produces

• 99 percent of the artichokes grown in the US

• 44 percent of asparagus,

• 20% of cabbage

• Two-thirds of carrots

• 50% of bell peppers

• 89 percent of cauliflower

• 94 percent of broccoli

• 95 percent of celery

• 90 percent of the leaf lettuce we consume

• 83 percent of Romaine lettuce

• 83 percent of fresh spinach

• A third of total fresh tomatoes consumed in the U.S.—and 95 percent of ones destined for cans and other processing purposes

 As for fruit-

• 86 percent of lemons

• 25% of oranges

• 84 percent of peaches

• 88 percent of fresh strawberries

• 97 percent of fresh plums

"But Dennis, I've never been much of a fruit and salad guy myself....I'm a carnivore and I prefer meat!"

On January 1st, the U.S. cattle herd hit a 61-year low of 89.3 million head of cattle. The biggest reason for this is the aforementioned drought, now in its fifth year. This has been absolutely crippling to the cattle industry and no end appears in sight. The top five beef cattle producing states in the U.S. are Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, California and Oklahoma. These states alone supply 50% of our nations beef. 

 They are all states that have been severely impacted by drought, with little relief in sight - particularly California - where even dairy cattle producers are sending their heifers to slaughter because they can't supply water and forage to them. A warning was issued earlier this week that 17 communities throughout California could run out of water within the next 60 to 120 days and would be forced to possibly truck it in just to survive.

 Back in the late fall 2013 there was a freak snowstorm that killed close to 300,000+ cattle, which of course was a major hit to the industry. Then consider that because of the drought, Texas ranchers are having to ship grass bails in from Colorado, Utah and other parts of the country just to feed the cattle. 

 Ranchers are sending their female cattle to the slaughter houses because they can’t afford to feed them anymore. It is the females that help re-stock the herd, and of course, if you’re slaughtering your females, your herd does not grow. It is expected that the US will not see cattle herd growth returning until 2017, maybe even later.


So let's just pretend, for a moment, that God has already begun to withdraw His blessing on America.  Lord knows that the majority of our nation is occupied with MANY other things besides the study of the Word of God, which leads to the obedience of the Word of God.  What would happen to our economy and to our savings accounts, 401k's, Social Security income, etc... if sometime in the not distant future, our orange juice cost $15 dollars per gallon?  Our milk cost $8 per gallon?  Our ground beef cost $15 per pound?  Our bread cost $9 per loaf and our eggs cost $10 per dozen?

If that happened, our stock market would also be in a free fall and people started to sell all their stocks just to feed their families and also were forced to quit buying stocks in the 401k's because they needed every dollar of income to pay for groceries.

If the stock market then fell, the bond market would also fall and they both could spend years just looking for a bottom.

Money could start to leave the U.S. economy like water falling out of a spilled bucket...and our entire society could end up in total free-fall.

Yes, all of this COULD happen if God doesn't open up the skies in California.

Remember that old song from the 1970's, "Seems it never rains in southern California"

For those who don't, here are some of the words;

Got on a board a west bound seven forty seven
Didn't think before deciding what to do
All that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and movies
Rang true, sure rang true.

Seems it never rain in Southern California
Seems I've often heard that kind of talk before
It never rains in California
But girl, don't they warn ya
It pours man it pours.
Out of work, I'm out of my head
Out of self respect I'm out of bread
I'm under loved I'm under fed
I wanna go home
It never rains in California
But girl don't they warn ya, it pours, man it pours.

And if you have never heard the song, you can listen to it here; of those things that just makes you say, "hmmmm....."

Out of work and out of his head, out of self respect and out of bread...when it pours, it comes like a flood.  He wants to go home, but where can he go...really?

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