
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Online Currency

Just a few decades ago any readers of Revelation would have read the part about Antichrist requiring a mark to buy or sell anything and would have said, "That HAS TO BE a spiritual statement...something we simply can't understand...because there is NO WAY that most of the world could EVER be using the same financial is technically impossible!!"

Today, as Daniel and Revelation have been unsealed, we can clearly see how simple this will be...just by using a few laptops and some scanning software that many companies are already using.

Some may have already heard about BITCOIN which is an online currency that seems to be gaining some traction...but there are more.

Last month, we subjected readers to a hindsight lament: How you should have spent $100 at the beginning of 2013. Using the Forbes time travel machine, we went back to last January and dropped Benjamins on a slew of investments, including gold, Google and Bitcoin. We thought the best choice was Bitcoin, which was worth 50 times as much by year end, but we were wrong. The best way to spend a c-note on January 1, 2013 was on competing cryptocurrency Litecoin. Worth seven cents then, its value increased along with Bitcoin’s, reaching $23 by December, or 328 times its initial value. That means a $100 investment in Litecoin last year would be worth $30,000 now.

Litecoin is one of many alternative cryptocurrencies — or altcoins — that have popped up in Bitcoin’s wake. The creators of at least 70 different altcoins took Bitcoin’s source code and tweaked it. They created BBQCoin and Coinye — much to Kanye West’s disapproval — and Dogecoin — based on a meme — and Stalwartbucks — as a journalistic exercise from Business Insider. The Washington Post’s Timothy Lee has a nice explainer on why people are creating these. Some are serious; some are not. But that’s the thing that makes people so skeptical about digital currencies: they’re pretty easy to create out of thin air. They remain as valuable as thin air until people invest faith in them, by loading code onto their computers and participating in their networks, or by spending actual money to buy them.


You gotta love that quote, "They remain as valuable as thin air until people invest faith in them..."

You gotta have faith!!!!!!  Yes!!!  All money systems require faith...maybe that's why Jesus was so clear about not worshipping GOD and MONEY.

So how might this all play out?? 

Here is one possible scenario to ponder;
The Rapture of the church makes millions of Christ followers to vanish....just as Paul clearly told us....chaos ensues, Antichrist comes on scene with explanations, and says "We ALL NEED to pull together to stop the chaos!", and people around the world are so eager for a leader that MOST will follow his lead.  He tells folks that cash is dirty, spreads disease (pestilence) and is used by criminals, so in order to stop the chaos ALL PEOPLE need to become part of the NEW SYSTEM...and it will be an online currency of some sort....and the MARK OF THE BEAST will be fulfilled.

Wow!  I guess if you are reading this some time from now and lots of us are already and understand.

Revelation 13:16-17
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name."


Revelation 14:11
"There is no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and his image, or for anyone who receives the MARK OF HIS NAME." (caps are mine)

Yes it's true....the RAPTURE is a sign-less event.  NOTHING has to happen for Christ to return and call us home.  But The Tribulation is going to have all sorts of signs...and MANY of those are starting to come into focus...making us aware that the time is close. 

This should call all of us who are God-fearing followers of Christ to live pure lives and give us an urgency to work hard to spread the Gospel so that the Master will find us working when he returns.

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