
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

USDA Says 1/3 of Bees Are Gone

Over the years we have posted a few things on the bee population.  According to some folks we have a serious problem with our bees.

"Hey Dennis....I don't really care...I don't like honey."

Albert Einstein supposedly once said that if the world's bee disappear that all mankind will be extinct in 4 years.

"Hey Dennis....I said I don't eat honey so why would I die from no honey?"

The bees serve mankind to pollinate our fruit, nuts and about 1/3 of the foods that we eat. 

I recently saw a movie (which is a new release on Netflix titled MORE THAN HONEY) about the problems with our honey and bees.  I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this movie....but in it they show the Chinese standing in trees with Q-tips and jars and manually pollinating their trees...since the bees have totally disappeared in parts of China.

Below was in our local news today;

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Two state agencies in Minnesota are working to protect the honey bee population.
The Department of Natural Resources is developing guideline to improve the habitat for pollinating insects that are so important to agriculture. In a report to the state Legislature Wednesday, the Department of Agriculture will outline its plan to study the use of a popular insecticide linked to bee deaths. The Legislature last year instructed agriculture officials to develop a process for reviewing the safety of widely used neonicotinoid insecticides, which are absorbed by plant roots, leaves and pollen.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated that more than a third of the nation's honey bee population has died in the last several years. Minnesota Public Radio says the bees are suffering from persistent disease problems and effects of the insecticides.


So the USDA is saying 1/3 of the NATION'S honey bees have died in the last several what if it's 2/3 in the next several years...and 3/3 during the Tribulation that the Bible says is going to come on the whole earth? (yes, I know that 3/3 = 100%)

Many scientists say these little amazing bees are nature's version of the canary in the mineshaft....they are so sensitive to any problems that they serve as a warning to the rest of us.

For now we will file this article under, FAMINE AND PESTILENCE that the Bible clearly says is coming.

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