
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Alarm Bell is Ringing...Persecution is Coming

Our brothers and sisters in Christ in other parts of the world are being tortured, chased, starved and killed.

Do we even know about it?  Do we even care?

Our pastor writes to his blog once per week and I will share some of it here and attach a link to the entire entry.

I read an interesting article this past week, written by Raymond Ibrahim, a writer and correspondent with the Middle East Forum.  You can find this article at:  The article is titled, "The Existential Elephant in the 'Christian Persecution' Room."  The article was a confirmation of a reality that somehow we seek to avoid, yet we must understand if we are to know the nature of persecution of Christians taking place around the world, a persecution that has doubled the number of martyrs this past year from those of 2012. 

The article indicates those 50 worst nations around the globe that persecute Christians.  Topping the list was North Korea and the radical regime of Kim Jong-Un - really a continuation of the radicalization of governmental leaders in Korea for the past several decades.  But, the article goes on to state, "of the 50 worst nations for persecution, 37 of them are Muslims, or 74%. ... Those persecuting Christians in 41 of 50 nations are Muslims; that is, a whopping 82% of all persecutions around the globe is being committed by the adherents of Islam - sometimes in Christian majority nations; for example, the Central African Republic which, after the 2013 Islamic takeover, now ranks #16, 'severe persecution' (the Christian-majority nation did not even appear in the previous year's top 50)."  Allow me to quote once again, "A recent Morning Star News report listing 2013's ten most horrific anecdotes of Christian persecution around the world finds that nine out of ten - again, 90% - were committed at the hands of those professing Islam." 

I know some of you are saying that such persecution could not happen here.  But I read an article yesterday on the website.  It was titled, "Syria: Al Qaeda Training Western Citizens for Terror Abroad."  As I read this article I have to admit that I was frightened.  Al Qaeda has learned the art of exporting terror through home-grown terrorists.  According to the article, "A defector, speaking from the Turkish border - a route commonly taken by foreign Islamist fighters into Syria - said that Al Qaeda has been training recruits from Europe, the UK and the US how to make and detonate car bombs and suicide vests in anticipation of being sent home to start new terror cells." 

Friends, it can happen and it probably will.  I worry about the Olympics in the next few weeks in Sochi.  What a showcase for a terror strike!  It would perhaps have an even greater impact upon the world than the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center towers.  And we must remember the ultimate goal is the creation of a worldwide Islamic empire - freed of Jews and Christians. 
It is time for us to wake up to the reality around us.  It is time for us to rise up and support our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering persecution.  And it is time for us to prepare for those days when persecution will come to our shores.  And all the while we need to keep focused upon Jesus, who is our Lord and Captain. 


I wish I had a dollar for every time, in the past 7 years that I have heard someone say, "Well Dennis that simply isn't going to happen....because this is America!!"

How deluded we have become....

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