
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What's So Wrong With Adultery?

Some of you may have been following the fact that the President of France is having an affair with some young actress.

Of course his female 'partner' is devastated...and had a breakdown and all sorts of drama.

But the French people don't really seem to care that their President is sleeping fact they expect it...because a big chunk of  French people EXPECT cheating because they, themselves, are cheating.

See the argument goes like this;  if the world now accepts that gay people are BORN with the desire to copulate with the same sex, then it MUST BE accepted that men are BORN with the desire to cheat...and how can you be so intolerant as to expect a man to NOT ACT on desires he was born with???....certainly you can't go against nature!!

Most French men and a third of French women cheat on their partners, according to a new poll.
The Ifop study found that some 55% of French men and 32% of French women admit to cheating — figures that could help explain why so many French are unfazed by the dalliances of their president, Francois Hollande.
Infidelity (or at least admitted infidelity) has been on the rise since the 1970s, when about 19% admitted to cheating, according to the study for Gleeden, an extramarital dating website.
Francois Kraus of Ifop said: “One of the study’s key findings is the enduring difference in perception of infidelity among men and women, with the latter much less accepting of dalliances than men.”
The survey came days after allegations that Mr. Hollande was having an affair with Julie Gayet, a 41-year old actress — who was seen in public Tuesday for the first time since their alleged liason was revealed — and fascination abroad at how little the French claimed it interested them.
The study also found that Left-wing French were more likely to cheat on their partners than those who identify themselves as on the Right.
Simply more evidence that the world is FAR, FAR AWAY from the biblical morals that, if followed, would allow this planet to run so much more smoothly.
We are selfish little creatures who DEMAND to do whatever we want.  Most have no belief that they will EVER have to answer to their they live with the mantra, "Have fun, party hard, live hard...for you only go around grab EVERYTHING you can that makes you happy!"

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