
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

6000 Year Old Earth--Part 2

Hey all!  I am back from Montana and can now start blogging again from my laptop.  Sorry for the lack of entries as of late, but using my I Pad proved difficult...and that was all I took on the trip.

The blog entry I did on Ken Ham and Bill Nye got quite a few views and comments.

I totally understand the value of the discussion between OLD EARTH and 6000 Yr OLD EARTH.

Many folks are led into atheism right at the beginning of Genesis.  They reason that if the Bible can't be trusted to literally explain the beginning of man, animals, plants and the universe...then how can it be trusted to explain anything?

I believe that we all need to be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in salvation ONLY through Jesus Christ...but...while all of us are going to be called to get into discussions with non-believers, some will be called to get into BIG DISCUSSIONS with non-believers....and they WILL need to have some answers besides to say, "The Bible said I believe it."  That simply won't be an adequate response when discussing with someone who doesn't hold the Bible to the same value as we do.

Today I ran across an awesome site and I have an idea that maybe many of you are familiar with it.  It is NOT a site that is run by Ken Ham or anyone at his creation museum....but it is discussing all the related topics in defending their belief that that Adam and Eve were created just over 6000 years ago and Noah's flood happened about 4000 years ago.  So these folks are right in line with Ken Ham and have some VERY GOOD answers for some of the stuff that Bill Nye threw at Ken Ham during the debate that Ken Ham never answered.

Remember when Bill Nye asked how can creationists explain the 680,000 yr old ice cores that we have drilled?  Well, here is an answer to that;

Or how about when Bill Nye asked Ham to explain how only a few thousand animals on the ark could possibly explain the millions of species we see today?  Well, here is an answer to that;

These guys have put together a VERY GOOD site that has lots of answers to explain why the earth is very young...maybe as young as 6000 years.

Here is the link to their review of the Ken Ham/Bill Nye debate that has lots of attached links to answer the questions that Ken Ham didn't have time to.

I said it once and I will say it again....the age of the earth IS NOT a salvation issue and there are some very good followers of Christ who believe the earth is billions of years old and that God created it all....BUT....there are some very good Christians who also believe the earth is incredibly young and God created it all about 6000 years ago.

So which one are you?

Are you prepared to give a well thought out answer to your 12 year old son when he comes home from science class and announces that he believes the Bible is just a story book of old fables?

1 comment:

  1. Dennis? I've Started reading a book called "In Six Days" which is a colection of scientists from various fields describing why they believe in a literal six day creation. Some of it gets a bit over my head and some is redundant, but it's been an interesting read so far.
