
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

North Korean Hell

The United Nations has taken time off from criticising Israel long enough to look at a nation that is so dark, so brutal and so sadistic that they compared North Korea to Nazi Germany.

Please take time to read this article and look at the drawings a defector drew to explain the torture, fear and abuse these poor folks are enduring.

A North Korean defector sketched disturbing scenes of torture and starvation from his six years in one of the country’s brutal prisons.

The illustrations are part of a new, damning United Nations report that directly implicated leader Kim Jong Un in crimes against humanity reminiscent of the Nazis.

“There is an almost complete denial of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as of the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, information and association,” the report stated.


Should it be more than a little concerning to the world that North Korea has nuclear weapons?

What do you think the world should do about this?

Do we have any more money to launch a war against this sick regime??  Should it be up to the rest of the world to rescue these miserable North Koreans from this hell??   Would the USA be willing to sacrifice thousands of U.S. soldiers in a war to topple the North Korean regime and free these poor people?  Can we risk the retribution that would come from China if the free world starts sticking it's nose into North Korea?  Are we already scared (blackmailed) of the fact that North Korea has nuclear weapons and may be MORE THAN WILLING to use them if anyone meddles in their business?

I'm guessing that the free world is going to yawn, roll over, turn on American Idol and order a Dominoes Pizza and comfort ourselves by saying, " least its not me being tortured."

No doubt that if one looks at the atrocities happening TODAY in Syria, North Korea, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Iraq and probably a dozen other places...the free world simply doesn't have the guts, guns, blood or treasure to try and stop them all.

It seems to point to just one other example of how the world is spinning out of control while the cries for "Justice!" are being screamed by millions....possibly billions.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing to live at a time when we know someone in the world is as appalling as Hitler (who is now being filtered from history books to make more room for the history they want to tell) and yet we do nothing about it. Kim now either holds weapons that can damage the semblance of peace here (or is having enough to make us fear reprisal) or make us concerned that he could act if we help the commoners, that is all he needs. Instead, we will make the military smaller to keep the hand outs going. Yeah, people power. Vote me another check, pass the twinkie,s and turn my idiot box back so I can watch my idols playing a child's game for large paychecks.
