Monday, February 24, 2014

Are You Polyamorous?

As we have been saying all along....once you throw out "one man and one woman" as the ONLY definition of marriage then there will be no end to the new definitions that fallen man will come up with.

Hey men...when you were in college, did you find yourself in love with just about every woman you saw!  Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to choose just one??  Did you know that you were born with the desire to have (sexually) as many women as would have you?  Yep!  It's all about man's evolution from the apes and how nature put it into a deepest desires to spread our seed among many women so that our genes would survive!  Have you EVER heard of "survival of the fittest" as taught in science class from 4th grade on??

So now why in the world would ANY society try to stop men from breeding with multiple women? Don't they realize they are going against nature and that Mother Nature always wins??

Gays in committed relationships have a “partner.” Polyamorous people like Diana Adams, who runs a Brooklyn-based legal firm that fights to offer traditional marriage rights to untraditional lovers, have a “primary partner.”

Primary partners because, well, polyamorists subscribe to the philosophy of being head over heels in love—or at least romantically involved—with more than one person at the same time. The Polyamory Society defines the practice as “the nonpossessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously.”

“I remember from a very young age realizing that I was bisexual and that I tended to be attracted to many different people at the same time,” Adams told Roc Morin in a recent article in The Atlantic entitled "Up for Polyamory? Creating Alternatives to Marriage."

“I really think that polyamory for me is an orientation, like being heterosexual or homosexual," Adams said. "Humans in general have a hard time with monogamy. That’s always been the case. We used to have a sense that it was acceptable for husbands to go out and have other lovers, but with the shift to egalitarianism, rather than to say that woman could do that too, we’ve gone in the other direction.”

This mainstream media reporter went on to ask Adams the intimate details of her polyamorous love life, such as: What are the consequences of polyamory? What do your other lovers give you that your primary partner can’t? How do your different lovers get along with one another? What role does jealousy play in your relationships? How do you deal with those emotions? and How does your family view your lifestyle? Morin left few rocks unturned—and may have turned them if the answers weren’t potentially too pornographic for a mainstream publication.


And hey all you women out there!  Don't you realize how popular you will be with all the men if you wear really revealing clothes and then give the men (sexually) what they need?  It's all just for fun!  You only live why not grab all you can?!?  Don't you want to prove to the world how valuable you are by showing how many men desire you and want to share their seed with you?

Wow!  Can you see how the lies from Satan have taken full root in our sick and lost society?  God said he created one man and one woman for each other.  This is the core of the family system that God ordained for the raising of godly children.  And now Satan has come in full force and said, "Did God really say that man shouldn't have sex with other men?  Did God really say that you should only "become one" with your wife?  Did God really say that sexual intercourse was a reserved gift for the marriage bed?  Did God really say that he wanted you to control your lusts? Don't you realize you are just start acting like one!"

Lord have mercy!

"I used to be possessive about my girlfriend until I found out that her polyamory didn't turn me off; rather the reverse. And the more I thought about it the more I wanted some of her genuine cool about loving other people as well as me. It took a while but it worked for me."

I ask whether they're still together (they're not) and whether she is still polyamorous. He shakes his head. Apparently she wanted something different when she had a kid.

Is the child his? He shrugs. "I don't think so. She doesn't know for sure who the father is. Which is fine too; for a while I contributed financially, as did the others."


Hat tip to Julie E.


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