
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Giraffe Gets Killed...Global Outrage Follows

The liberal mind is a foolish thing to behold.

A zoo in Denmark had a young giraffe that didn't fit into it's breeding program and they needed meat to feed the they killed the giraffe and fed it to the lions.

Makes perfect sense....why kill cows and feed them to lions when you have some giraffe meat readily available?  After a recent study 7 out of 10 lions preferred giraffe meat over any other kind of meat! : )

But the liberal lunatics are having nothing of it!!

Giraffe Killing at Copenhagen Zoo Sparks Global Outrage

On Sunday morning, shortly after a last meal of his favorite rye bread, an otherwise healthy 18-month-old male giraffe named Marius was killed with a slaughterhouse bolt gun at the Copenhagen Zoo.

Afterward, zoo officials performed a three-hour-long demonstration of how to butcher a giraffe before a large crowd of visitors, including many children. The meat was then fed to the zoo's lions.

"When breeding success increases it is sometimes necessary to euthanize," Bengt Holst, the zoo's scientific director, said in a statement on the giraffe's death. "We see this as a positive sign and as insurance that we in the future will have a healthy giraffe population in European zoos."

Marius's death and very public dismemberment sparked outrage on social media, prompted death threats against staff at the zoo, and was seen by some animal lovers as provocative response to a campaign to spare the giraffe's life in the days and hours leading up to his death.

An online petition asking the Copenhagen Zoo to hold off on killing its unwanted giraffe until an alternate home could be found for him received over 27,000 signatures from around the world but was ignored by the zoo. So were offers by wildlife parks in Britain, Sweden, and the Netherlands to take Marius off their hands rather than see him killed.


If you want to get a further idea of how lost this world truly is, read the comments following this article.  People are appalled that the public was invited to watch how a giraffe is butchered.

Ummm....we butcher thousands of cattle, pigs and sheep every single day.  Isn't it a GOOD THING to have a flipping clue about WHERE our meat comes from??  Shouldn't we be educating our kids on where hamburgers come from??  "Hey!  We believe it is GOOD for our kids to watch Miley Cyrus humping her fingers on TV but we draw the line at them seeing where the chicken McNugget comes from!!  That's simply OVER THE TOP!!"

Do these morons think that the lions should be fed with Walmart meat...because they believe that no animals were harmed while making Walmart meat??

No here is what takes the truly-amazing-cake....MOST of these liberal, outraged people have NO PROBLEM WITH KILLING BABIES via legal abortions.  You see in their foolish minds, a giraffe that they can see is worth WAY MORE than 50,000,000 babies that they can't see.

In the same way, a giraffe that they can see is worth way more than millions of cattle, pigs and sheep that they can't see.

The liberal mind....a terrible thing to waste.

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