
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How Not To Be a Terrorist

Sorry...I realize that we shouldn't laugh at Muslim suicide bombers accidentally blowing themselves up...but are we allowed to at least smile about it??

Today we have news that some king-suicide bomber was teaching a bunch of young suicide bombers how to put the explosives belt on...and it went off and killed him along with 21 future bombers!!

Not only that but the explosion was so big it alerted Iraqi officials to the site and they arrested another few dozen terrorists learning to blow themselves up.

It’s the kind of thing that could show up as a headline on The Onion: Suicide Bomb Trainer in Iraq Accidentally Blows Up His Class. It is a gift to Jon Stewart of the Daily Show. It has enlivened the usually grim litany of death and destruction that make up most Twitter feeds focused on Syria and Iraq. But even as the tale of a car-bomb demonstration gone awry invites chortles over the idea of preemptive payback, the circumstances should strike a note of sobriety. Twenty-one suicide bombers and bomb-makers recruited by the Islamic State of Iraq and greater Syria [ISIS], an al-Qaeda breakaway group, were killed in the explosion. Iraqi authorities, alerted to the camp’s location by the massive blast, captured another 23.

The training camp where the explosion took place was located in an orchard not far from the city of Samarra. According to the New York Times, who first reported the story, and the Associated Press, authorities searching the area in the wake of the blast also discovered heavy weapons, suicide bomb belts and at least 10 vehicles packed with explosives and ready to detonate. It’s not clear how long the camp had been in use, but it is likely that several waves of recruits had already passed through. And that is a worrying sign.

“The fact that the ISIS is able to recruit such a large number of suicide bombers and then train them all in one place should be of great concern,” writes terrorism analyst Bill Roggio for the Long War Journal. “How many more ISIS suicide camps are out there? Given the steady stream of suicide attacks the ISIS carries out in Iraq and Syria, the answer is likely enough that today’s work accident won’t make much of a dent in ISIS operations.”

As if to underscore his point, a bomb exploded near a café in Baghdad later that night, killing three and wounding 11. Though they have not yet claimed responsibility, ISIS has been behind similar attacks in the past. Even with one major explosives training cell incapacitated, those bombings are not likely to end anytime soon.


"Ok now, listen very closely my young jihadists!!  Today we learn how to blow ourselves up for the glory of Allah and so that we can all get to heaven and start drinking wine and having copious amounts of sex with young virgins.  But before all that we must learn how to blow ourselves up!!  Allah Akbar!!!  So the first thing you should know when putting on the explosives belt is to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER touch this button!"

"Which button, Master Jihad?"

"This little white button right...." (BOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!)

Here is another link to the same story with a funny cartoon;

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