
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Virginia Church Worships in the Nude

Does anyone else find it IRONIC that this church in Virginia holds services in the nude...and the name of the church is WHITE TAIL CHAPEL??  If you go to the article you will see the big, white pastor standing behind the pulpit and you can just imagine that he has a rather large white rump.

Now THAT, my friends, is funny.

About an hour's drive south of Richmond, there's a small congregation that doesn't care about "material" things. They worship the same way we were all brought into this world, naked.

Even in February, when temperatures can average in the 20s, members show up in various forms: some fully clothed, others topless, many still completely nude.

Pastor Allen Parker says it's not about the clothes, or lack thereof. He says it's about baring his soul to Christ and leading his flock down that path of righteousness, no matter what they're wearing.

Every Sunday in the front few rows of White Tail Chapel, you'll find Katie and Robert Church. Katie wasn't a nudist when they first met, but quickly fell in love with both Robert and the resort. They married at White Tail Chapel and say the church has given them a sense of Christian community with none of the pretense of a traditional church.

"Once we were married, and we were here, this whole place became our family," said Katie Church. "I feel like I can turn to anyone in this church, or even in this park, and they will be there to help me."

"People are more open as far as hearing the word of God, and speaking the word of God," agreed Robert Church.

If you think anyone here finds church attendance titillating, you'd be wrong. They're here to find inner peace and Pastor Parker believes that starts with accepting themselves.

"There's not a feeling that you have to be better than one another, physically," Pastor Parker said. "We're humans, we have scars, we have what we have…it's learning to love and accept that."


I'm just gonna take a wild guess here and say that most of the folks you might see at WHITE TAIL CHAPEL, are folks who you really wouldn't want to see naked in the first place?

"Thelma!  Would you please put your clothes on!!  You're scaring my kids and making it so they don't want to come to your Sunday School no more!"

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