
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Israeli Troops Using "Excessive Force"

Tiny Israel is in the front page of Google News AGAIN!  This time because their army is using "excessive force" in the West Bank.

Israeli forces are using excessive and reckless force in the occupied West Bank, Amnesty International says.

More than 40 Palestinians were killed in the past three years and the rate of killings rose significantly in 2013, a report by the human rights group says.

It alleges that Israel is allowing its soldiers to act with virtual impunity.

Israel said Amnesty had ignored an increase in Palestinian violence and showed a complete lack of understanding of its operational challenges.

According to the UN, 27 West Bank Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces last year, nine more than the totals in 2011 and 2012 combined.

Nine Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were reportedly killed by Israeli forces in 2013, while Palestinians killed three Israeli civilians and three Israeli security forces personnel in Israel and the West Bank.

Amnesty documented the killings of 22 Palestinian civilians in the West Bank last year, of which it said at least 14 were connected to protests. In all of the cases, those killed did not appear to have posed a direct and immediate threat to life, it said.

"Several victims were shot in the back suggesting that they were targeted as they tried to flee and posed no genuine threat to the lives of members of Israeli forces or others," the report said. "In several cases, well-armoured Israeli forces have resorted to lethal means to crack down on stone-throwing protesters causing needless loss of life."

"There is evidence that some individuals were victims of willful killings, which would amount to war crimes."

A spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Amnesty's report "wholly ignores the substantial increase in Palestinian violence over the past year, and shows a complete lack of understanding as to operational challenges the IDF is posed with".

A statement said there were more than 5,000 rock-throwing incidents, in which 132 Israeli civilians and military personnel were injured. In addition, there were 66 "further terror attacks", which included shootings, the planting of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), blunt weapon attacks, and the abduction and murder of a soldier, it added.

"Where feasible the IDF contains this life-threatening violence using riot-dispersal means, including loud sirens, water cannons, sound grenades and tear gas. Only once these tools have been exhausted and human life and safety remains under threat, is the use of precision munitions authorised," the statement added.

Hours after the report's publication, Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian militant they had tried to arrest in the West Bank town of Bir Zeit.


America also has plenty of "occupied territory".  If you look at all the land we took from the American Indians and then forced them, at gunpoint, onto reservations where they have been languishing for more than a could be argued that we have treated them pretty poorly...but make NO MISTAKE, if they started attacking other Americans with rocks, hammers, explosives and firing missiles from those reservations...the US military would come down on them like an eagle on a rabbit!

The Syrian government has killed THOUSANDS of ARABS, Congo has had over 1,000,000 die its civil war, dead people in Sudan, Somalia, Egypt and now Ukraine has killed 80 protesters....but FOR SURE the front page of Google needs to point out the Amnesty International report citing "excessive violence" by the IDF.

Why?  Because Israel and Jerusalem are literally at the center of the world.  God has claimed it and named it as land for His people the Jews....and the world can't stand that, so every day something rumbles as the world tries desperately to wrench that land and that country from the Jews.

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