
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Near the Tipping Point?

It's an interesting thing to ponder....when, exactly, will God say, "Enough!"?

Of course, none of us can know the mind of God and certainly none of us can know His perfect timing in bringing all things about...BUT....this headline and news today makes me wonder if we aren't getting really close to provoking God to anger?

FDA Panel Mulls Technique That Creates Babies Using DNA of 3 People

Federal health regulators are debating a technique that would allow babies to be created from the DNA of three people.

The hope of the technique is to someday eradicate mitochondrial disease, which can cause epilepsy, blindness and more.

Researchers at Oregon Health and Science University have already used this technique to create five healthy monkeys. Now, they want to test the technique on a group of women who have the disease. They would use the mom’s egg, take out the mitochondrial DNA and use a donor’s mitochondrial. That way, the baby would get the traits of the mother and father, but with the donor’s healthy DNA.

Supporters call it gene correction, but critics say it’s gene modification and would be the dawn of “designer babies,” leading parents to modify their children’s eye color, intelligence, height and more. Critics say they’re worried about unintended consequences of this technique.

“This is a biologically extreme procedure that puts any resulting children at serious risk, and that breaks a long standing international consensus against producing genetically engineered humans,” Center for Genetics and Society’s executive director Marcy Darnovsky said.

Experts say they believe that the FDA will allow this technique in small trials.


Of course the critics are correct.  The lost people of this world in their desire to be famous and wealthy will undoubtedly come up with the idea to "create" a super human that has all the potential to be a tall, athletic, smart, white, NOT-bald, muscular BOY who will be an absolute delight and will certainly bring MUCH PRIDE to his 3, 4 or 5 different parents...all of whom had their genes involved.

Or how about the military?  You think they might LOVE to create some super-soldiers who have all the battle attributes needed to do any mission without fear and are capable of killing like a mindless robot??

"Oh are so hyper-dramatic!  That's NEVER going to happen!  This is just a wonderful way that we can all have healthy children...children who aren't too short, aren't too fat and won't ever go bald."

Wait a second....I'm just scratching my bald head here as I ponder the enormity of the doors that mankind seems WILLING to open.

"As it was in the days of Noah...."

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