
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Are Most Bible Readers Conservatives?

I have had discussions with atheists who wonder why people who read the Bible tend to be conservatives and vote Republican.  You see, a lot of those people seem to believe that Jesus would be a liberal Democrat if he were around to vote today.

Of course you and I know the answer in that Bible readers are unanimously PRO-LIFE and believe it is NEVER right to kill a child for the sins of his parents.

We also believe that charity should start in the church and that those outside the church should be made jealous by what they see happening in the church and would want to come and see what they are missing.  Liberals believe they should show up at a government office and collect anything they need....because the government OWES them something.

Apostle Paul said that if a man won't work then he shouldn't eat.  Conservatives believe ALL of the Bible and would agree with when we see healthy people who are doing NOTHING but still collecting food stamps and living in "free" government bothers us.

There are many other reasons, but you get the idea.

So this morning I was doing devotions and it led me to the book of Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon who just happens to have been the wisest man to have ever lived.  Well it turns out that Solomon gave us the reason long ago why Bible readers vote Conservative;

Ecclesiastes 10:2
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

As Paul Harvey would have said, "And there you have the rest of the story!"

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