Saturday, February 8, 2014

John Kerry and The World Are Simply Deaf

These are interesting comments from Hal Lindsey.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is so obsessed with the Palestinian/Israeli peace process that he's not even listening to the Palestinians. If he did, he'd probably turn around and go home. 

A few weeks ago, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas confirmed the famous "Three Noes" of the 1967 Arab League Khartoum Summit by announcing his own three "noes." 

In a fiery speech from his Ramallah headquarters, Abbas proclaimed that there would be no giving up the Palestinian "right of return"; no recognizing Israel as a Jewish State; and, no concessions over Jerusalem. 

Like the famous "three noes" of 1967, these "don't-even-go-there" refusals make any long-term peace deal between the two groups impossible because Israel cannot give in on any of the three. 

So what's really going on? With all of the efforts of the international community to broker a peace deal, why are the Palestinians just as intransigent in 2014 as they were in 1967 -- almost 50 years later? 

The bottom line is that with every fiber of their beings, they want to make void God's promise to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. Mohammad and all who follow him believe that God gave those promises to Ishmael and his descendants (the Arabs), not Isaac and the Jews. The heart of the conflict, then, is over the integrity of the Bible itself. 

But don't worry, Mahmoud Abbas may be able to manipulate the United States, and perhaps even some of Israel's politicians, but he and all the armies of the world cannot foil what God has already declared will be done. 

Isn't that amazing??  The leader of the PLO makes a speech and says there will be NO JEWISH STATE, no giving up on the right of return for refugees to come back into Israel and take over the land they had 50 years ago, and no negotiations over Jerusalem.

If we can listen to this speech and clearly hear what Abbas is saying....why can't John Kerry?  How come The World and the media can't hear it?

Sadly, just as most of The World is deaf to spiritual things of God...they are also deaf to the spiritual things of Satan.  They don't believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob even exists...and they also don't believe Satan exists.


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