Monday, February 10, 2014

Kerry's Peace Plan Has Collapsed

Wow!  This is pretty interesting!  It is being reported (by this article anyway) that Obama wouldn't allow Kerry to impose peace terms on Israel.

Secretary of State John Kerry sought but failed to get backing from President Barack Obama to confront Israel over its objections to his peace proposals, and therefore his bid to try impose terms for peace on Israel and the Palestinians has “pretty much collapsed,” an Israeli TV report claimed on Sunday night

Citing unnamed sources close to the negotiations, Channel 10 news said that Kerry, who had hoped to impose a binding “framework” agreement on the two sides, covering all the key core issues for a peace agreement, sought Obama’s “political backing for confrontation primarily with Israel,” but got the presidential cold-shoulder. It was deemed that now was “not the time for such moves” for the president, the report said.

Here; Obama told Kerry to lay off applying pressure on Israel??

When did this happen??  On Sunday??

What day did the clouds open up and release trillions of gallons of water on drought parched California??  On Sunday??

Of course that could be a huge leap to connect those dots...but I do know that lots of churches (including ours) were praying for wisdom to be granted to maybe some sort of prayer was answered...and Team Obama is going to quit pressuring Israel...for now?


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