
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ex Porn Star is Now Born Again

This story is pretty cool and shows just how awesome our Christ is!

A porn star in the UK was doing a bunch of lesbian porn but she was married to a the lesbian stuff was really just a job.

Jesus came and found both of them and now she is preaching about Jesus and helping other people leave the business.

Please notice the last question and answer from this article;
Do you think Jesus will come again?
 I know he will. I 100-percent know that he's coming again. I don't know when, but I feel it's really soon.

Let's hope so!!

Now here are some other questions and answers....but I won't share the link as the author seemed it necessary to share some PRE-CONVERSION photos of this woman.

When did you find Jesus?
 My husband and I were sitting in our computer room at home, where we’d been uploading videos to the internet. Then something weird started happening to us. We were transported to this most amazing place, where there were green fields and hills everywhere. We could see colors—they were breathing and pulsating in brightness and radiance. I could see a man in white, but I knew he wasn’t Jesus, and I knew he was talking to people because he was on the summit of a hill, so we were moving to this man. There’s a huge hill behind him, and he invites us in. The hill opens up, and we fall into complete blackness.

And then what happened?
 The moment I came up, I was face to face with Jesus. He had fire in his eyes that burnt straight through my soul. But it was a fire of love, of burning love, not of condemnation. It was made known to me that I was the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I am forever and I have always been. And Jesus has always been with me. [Teresa starts crying.]

And what was the message?
 The message was that he wants me to tell people that you are not condemned, that no matter how bad you think you have lived your life, he is able to take you out of it and lead you into better things. My eyes were fixed on his. His words came into me.

How have you dealt with equating your former views as a porn star with views promoted by the Christian faith? What are your views on homosexuality, for example?
 For years, I thought there was nothing wrong with homosexuality. God gives us free will, so he loves a gay person as much as he loves a straight person. But he puts guidelines in for our own protection. He puts them there because, if the whole world became gay, it would be detrimental to life. God doesn’t want his children to feel condemned or pressured. Gay people are going to have a hard time, and God doesn’t want that. I’m not for homosexuality; I’m certainly not for it.

And abortion?

 I've had one. It was before I became a Christian, so I can speak from experience. At the time, I thought I wasn’t ready—there was too much strangeness going on in my life. I was entering into porn, and it just didn’t fit. But now I do wish I kept it. I thought at the time, No, it's my free will—a woman should be allowed to decide. But it’s difficult, because while every woman should be able to decide, it’s also another life. You're deciding the fate of another. The world is messed up. It’s like learning yoga—you gain strength from within. The change has to come from the deepest root, and that is our relationship, our reconciliation, with God, the Creator. Abortion is a symptom of all that is wrong in the world, and I believe homosexuality is the same.

What about the sex industry? Is that also a symptom of all that is wrong in the world?

 Yes, it is. I believe in Jesus, and therefore I believe in Satan. The Bible tells us, and I feel it anyway, that he is in control of the world at the moment. The evidence is everywhere. I’m talking about war, starving children, people dying... I mean, that’s really messed up. People are distant from God. Satan has got control, and he’s at the root of it.

Praise the Lord!  Is she bearing fruit??  Yep!  Is her message lining up with scripture??  Yep!  Are we going to see this sister in heaven??  Yep!

God is doing amazing things people!  What an exciting time to be alive!

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