
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Israel Nabs Iranian Missiles Headed for Gaza

Remember when all the liberals and Israel haters got on that ship a few years back and tried to sail into Gaza as a protest against Israel's policy of stopping and searching boats headed for Gaza?

Well, here is another reason of why that IDF practice is NOT going to end anytime soon.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli naval forces on Wednesday seized a ship laden with rockets allegedly bound for militants in the Gaza Strip, and officials accused Iran of orchestrating the delivery in an elaborate 5,000-mile (8,000-kilometer) journey that included covert stops across the region.

The Syrian-made M-302 rockets would have put Israel's biggest cities well within range of Gaza, where militants already possess thousands of less powerful rockets. During eight days of fighting in 2012, armed groups fired 1,500 rockets into Israel, including several that reached the outskirts of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

The naval raid, which took place in the Red Sea hundreds of miles from Israel, came as Iran showed off powerful new ballistic missiles equipped with multiple warheads. The arms bust drew renewed Israeli calls for world powers to toughen their stand in negotiations over the Iranian nuclear program.

"Iran has been exposed for what it is. It smiles in the Geneva talks about its own nuclear ambitions, gives soothing words, and as they're doing that, they're shipping these deadly weapons to the world's worst terrorists," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in California during a U.S. visit. "Such a regime must not be able to have the capacity to make nuclear weapons."

Israel believes that Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon, a charge Iran denies. Israel says a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a threat to the existence of the Jewish state, citing Iranian calls for Israel's destruction, its development of long-range missiles and its support for hostile militant groups.

Netanyahu has been an outspoken critic of the efforts by six world powers to negotiate a deal with Iran that would substantially scale back its nuclear program in exchange for ending international sanctions. He says a current, interim deal gives Iran too much relief while getting little in return, and fears a final agreement would leave Iran with the capability to make a bomb.

Since the global powers reached their interim deal with Iran last November, Netanyahu's warnings about Iran have been largely ignored by world leaders.

Iran's announcement Wednesday that it now has missiles with multiple warheads, greatly boosting their destructive power, only heightened Israeli concerns. The semiofficial Fars news agency said the new Qiam missile was specifically built to target U.S. bases in the region. Iran already possesses missiles capable of striking Israel and parts of Europe.


That sure is  Netanyahu is telling the world that Iran is pulling a fast one...and the world's leaders are ignoring the warning!

It sure seems that Israel is going to have to act alone against Iran.  Europe has no guns and no will to stop Iran!  America has no money and no appetite for another pre-emptive war...and really, we wonder why Iran seeking to destroy Israel has anything to do with us??  Team Obama has already been figuring out how they are going to MANAGE a nuclear Iran.

So here again, Team Obama was seen drawing red lines in the sand....and then backing away from them as soon as they were crossed.  What is the world going to think about America following through on our word?

The old saying, "A man's word is his bond" is having some real issues in the USA today.  The nations of the world are wondering what our word is actually worth?  Is it all just talk?  Do we have any teeth?  Do we say what we mean and mean what we say?

1 comment:


    I don't know how to contact Dennis but I thought he might find this interesting. Todd
