Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gaza Militants Fire Dozens of Missiles Into Israel

This appears to be some rather recent news about missiles coming out of Gaza and landing in Southern Israel.

Gaza militants fire rocket barrage at southern Israel

Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip have fired more than 30 rockets at southern Israel, Israeli officials say.

An Israeli military spokesman said eight hit urban civilian areas and that a number of others were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defence system.

It was the heaviest barrage since the November 2012 conflict in Gaza ended.

The military wing of Islamic Jihad said it had fired the rockets in retaliation for Tuesday's killing of three of its militants in an Israeli air strike.

Late on Wednesday afternoon, "code red" sirens sounded across southern Israel after militants fired tens of rockets from northern Gaza in a co-ordinated attack, Israeli military spokesman Lt Col Peter Lerner said.

The head of the Eshkhol Regional Council, Haim Yalin, told the BBC that more than 60 rockets had been launched.

Israeli troops responded by targeting "two terrorist locations" with artillery rounds, Col Lerner said, blaming Islamic Jihad for the largest barrage since a ceasefire ended the eight-day conflict between Israel and militants in Gaza at the end of 2012.

A statement by Islamic Jihad's military wing, the al-Quds Brigades, said the barrage was its "initial response" to the "crimes of the Zionist enemy in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip", the latest of which was the "assassination" of three of its members on Tuesday.

The Israeli military said it had targeted the militants after they fired mortars at its troops. The al-Quds Brigades said the Israeli soldiers had crossed into the Gaza Strip.

After Wednesday's rocket barrage, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "We won't flinch. We will continue to hurt those who try to hurt us.


It sure seems like the hatred has been building in Muslim land...and some days it just has to pop out.

Of course the Muslims are saying the rockets were in response to Israel killing 3 militant soldiers who were just selling cookies, playing cards and minding their own business!!

Israel says otherwise....that they were militants who had fired mortars at Israeli troops.

He said...she said....

I would tend to believe the Jewish explanation as the Muslim militants have already proved over and over again at how adept they are at lying.


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