
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Greenland is Melting!

Hey guys!  I wonder if God is sitting on His throne looking down at the melting ice and saying, "Holy disaster!  I never saw this coming!"

Of course this doesn't stop mankind from spending countless days, weeks and months figuring out whether mankind is CAUSING the ice to melt....and then spending $billions trying to figure out how we can stop it, IF IN FACT we are causing it.

Scientists have known for decades that Greenland’s ice sheet is melting, but they may have underestimated just how much water the second-largest ice sheet on the planet is shedding. New research indicates that a key section of northeast Greenland thought to be stable is actually dumping billions of tons of water into the ocean annually after a barrier of ice debris that had blocked its flow finally gave way.

"We're seeing an acceleration of ice loss," Michael Bevis, professor of earth sciences at Ohio State University and co-author of a new study on Greenland’s melting ice sheet, told USA Today. "Now, there's more ice leaving than snow arriving."

The study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, included the work of an international team of researchers from Denmark, the Netherlands, the U.S. and China. According to AFP, the team measured the thickness of Greenland’s ice using four satellites and a network of 50 GPS sensors along the island’s coast. The monitors calculate the size of the Greenland ice sheet using Earth’s natural elasticity. When ice melts, it relieves pressure on the land underneath it, causing the ground to rebound just slightly. The monitors can sense these small changes.

"The Greenland ice sheet has contributed more than any other ice mass to sea-level rise over the last two decades and has the potential, if it were completely melted to raise global sea level by more than seven meters,” Jonathan Bamber, a professor at Britain's University of Bristol, told AFP.

Greenland is the world’s largest island holds roughly 680,000 cubic miles of ice within its ice sheet. The ice is up to 3 miles thick in some areas and covers about three-fourths of the island.

Between 1990 and 2011, climate change caused ocean surface temperatures around Greenland to rise 1.8 to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Researchers say that water from Greenland’s melting ice accounts for nearly one-sixth of annual sea-level rise. 


Could the ice be melting?


Could the sea levels rise?


Could our coastal cities end up flooding and cost countless $billions and major disruptions to infrastructure?


Could burning coal and oil products have something to do with temperatures going up?

I suppose.

From a biblical point of view, is it possible the seas are going to roar, earthquakes will shake, volcanoes will explode, men will faint with fear, wars will break out, famines will kill and droughts will devastate?


Are we followers of Christ supposed to fear these coming things?


Will this world, as we know it, come to an end one single second before the EXACT TIMING of Creator-God?


So let's stay focused on spreading the Gospel to the lost souls that are all around us and let God worry about the melting ice and rumbling volcanoes.

Let's be good stewards of all God has given us to care for...but let's remember that God cares much more for humans, and our eternally lost souls, than he does for sparrows....cuz He says so.

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