
Sunday, March 16, 2014

More Than 100 Christians Killed in Nigeria

The hatred of Satan continues...but the power of Jesus Christ will not falter!

(KANO, Nigeria) — Officials say Fulani Muslim herders attacked three Christian villages and killed more than 100 civilians. Hundreds of thatched-roof huts were set ablaze.

Thousands have been killed in recent years in competition for land and water between mainly Muslim Fulani herdsmen and Christian farmers across Nigeria’s Middle Belt. More than 100 people were killed in similar attacks in neighboring Katsina state last week.

Chenshyi village chief Nuhu Moses said Sunday that gunmen killed more than 50 people including the pastor’s wife and children. He said the entire village in the southern part of Kaduna state was destroyed.

Local government acting chairman Daniel Anyip said about 100 people were killed in attacks on three villages Friday night.


So what kind of people kill a pastor's wife and his children?

Well, the people who pray to Allah and believe that Muhammad was a prophet.

In reality they are praying to Satan...and Muhammad was a satanically-possessed man who screwed little girls and slit any one's throat who wouldn't bow to Satan...I mean Allah.

Of course the GOOD NEWS we heard from an Ethiopian pastor today is that 26,000 people PER DAY are coming to the saving grace of Jesus Christ on the African continent!  That's every single day!!  Many of them are leaving Islam and finding the peace of Jesus Christ.

Amen!  Even the gates of hell will not stop the onward march of Jesus as He prepares to enter history again to sit on David's throne!

So let's continue to pray for our enemies in Islam and also to pray for the peace that passes all understanding to surround these poor families in Nigeria who just lost their loved ones...all for Jesus' name.

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