Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Psychologist Say They Are Born That Way

Sorry to have a few blogs about perversion right in a row....but one amazing article usually provides links to another amazingly perverted article so that's kind of how it goes.

This one is also about people who enjoy sex with animals.  They call themselves "zoophiles".

Some places in the world, like America, this is still illegal.  But notice the argument that one zoophile is making...and see if it sounds familiar.

"Psychologists studied 120 zoophiles and found that zoophilia is a sexual orientation. You can’t just stop these feelings. After ten years of trying to be married, I got divorced and decided not to force myself into the role that society had given me anymore."

Here;  http://www.vice.com/read/bestiality-is-still-legal-in-germany-but-not-for-long

I can't help but think of the REO Speedwagon song from the 1980's, "I can't fight this feeling anymore."

It will be the battle cry to legalize every sexual deviant behavior....I WAS BORN THAT WAY!  I CAN'T CHANGE!

"I was born a lover.  As long as I can remember I have been in love with numerous women..and they love me...and we all want to get married.  Why are you so intolerant of our love?"

"As long as I can remember I have been sexually attracted to my dog.  I'm not forcing my dog into sex...we are both part of the same animal kingdom and he loves me and likes to express his love for me through sex.  Why are you so intolerant of our love?"

"Since I was a little kid, I remember being attracted to men and women equally.  I was born as bi-sexual since men and women both turn me on.  I am attracted more to personality and don't really care if that personality is attached to what society calls a 'man' or 'woman'.  Why is society so intolerant of us?  What can't they celebrate that fact that we love each other and want to make a family together...these two men and three women."

Judges 21:25
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.


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