
Monday, March 10, 2014

Rumors of War in Ukraine

Could Putin be the biblical character Gog of Magog spoken of in Ezekiel 38?

We have no idea...however he sure fits the description.

Jesus said there will be wars and rumors of war as the DAY OF THE LORD approaches.

Please remember that over the last 100 years more humans have been killed in wars that in all the other centuries combined!!  That certainly appears to be the increasing birth pangs that Jesus told us to watch for.

And new we have more rumors coming out of Ukraine as Putin tightens his hold and USA and Europe can only issue meaningless ultimatums.

Talk of war dominates discussion in Kyiv’s Maidan

KYIV, UKRAINE—War was the last thing Ukrainian protesters had in mind 13 weeks ago when they launched the spiralling demonstrations that ultimately topped their government.

But war — and the diminishing ways to avoid it — now dominates discussion on the Maidan, the central square in Kyiv that symbolizes Ukraine’s hoped-for fresh start.

Thousands descended on the already crowded square over the weekend, many to protest anew over the Russian military takeover of Ukrainian’s southernmost peninsula. Others, in a show of solidarity, marched through the centre of Kyiv flying flags from around the world, many of them Canadian.

“If Russia starts shooting, we don’t have a choice. We will fight because this is our home,” said Diliver Mametov, 24, who waved a placard with the words: Crimea is Ukraine.

“We want real democracy. We want clean government. We want an end to corruption. If Russia forces a fight upon us over these ideas, I am ready to fight back.”

The Russian military isn’t what it once was, but neither is Ukraine’s. Yet even with the prospect of being outnumbered five to one, Ukrainians on the Maidan warn Russia will pay a high cost.

“I don’t expect other countries to actually fight with us. I realize we are alone,” said Mametov, a mechanical engineer. “But there is still time for Europe, America and Canada to apply serious sanctions. If the western nations make pressure on the rich men of Russia, the ones who love to count their money, these people will turn against Putin.”


Yep!  That's true!  No Western nation is going to send soldiers to fight with the Ukrainians against Russia.

But will the Western nations be able to put financial pressure on Russia...or the rich men of Russia?

Hmmmm......since Russia supplies a boat load of Germany's natural gas...and Europe can do nothing meaningful without German support...I am guessing there is going to be lots of bluster but Russia, for now, seems to be holding all the cards.

Now think about this for a moment....what if Israel continues developing the Leviathan natural gas fields and ends up sending lots of energy to Europe and thereby circumventing Russia and the trump card they currently hold over Europe??

Could that be the "hook in the jaw" spoken of in Ezekiel 38?  Could that be what ultimately gets Russia interested in taking that 'booty' from Israel?

Wars, rumors of wars, quakes, famines building, strange diseases breaking out, and the stage continues to be set for the fulfillment of Ezekiel 39-39.  How many more events need to happen before the Lord comes....first for His bride and next in His 2nd advent to rule and reign on David's throne?

"When you see all these things BEGINNING to happen then lift up your heads for your redemption is near."....said Jesus.

"But you, brothers, are NOT IN DARKNESS so that this day should surprise you like a thief.  You are all sons of the light and sons of the day."....said Paul when describing how we won't be surprised when Jesus comes to snatch believers away IF we have been paying attention.

Are we paying attention??  Or are we prone to be scoffing (where is His coming?) while ignoring spiritual things and planning our next year of entertainment, fun, home decor, travel, new cars, new boats and new cabins?

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