
Monday, March 10, 2014

Boeing 777 Just Gone

By now, most of you have heard that an airline flight cruising at 35,000 feet simply vanished somewhere over the south China Sea.

Is it interesting that the plane was a Boeing 777?

Is it interesting that the flight was headed to China...where just last week some Chinese Muslims went on a knife slashing spree and killed dozens and wounded over 140 more?

Did the plane blow up?  Did the followers of Allah have something to do with it?  If so was the number 777 some type of sign to be sent?

A shadowy group called the Chinese Martyrs’ Brigade has claimed responsibility for the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 — but officials were skeptical and said the claim could be a hoax.

The group — unheard of before now — on Sunday sent an email to journalists across China that read: “You kill one of our clan, we will kill 100 of you as pay back,” but the message provided no details of what brought the flight down.

And Malaysia’s acting transport minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, told reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport on Monday he doubted the claim’s legitimacy.

“There is no sound or credible grounds to justify their claims,” he said, according to Malaysian news reports.

Officials also said testing showed that an oil slick thought to possibly be from the plane had no connection to the aircraft.

Meanwhile, investigators suspect the vanished Malaysian airliner may have been blown out of the sky — just like the jumbo jet that rained deadly wreckage onto Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.
A senior official involved in the probe of its disappearance said the evidence so far “appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet,” Reuters reported.


Hmmmm....planes just don't disintegrate while flying 5 miles high.  No MAY DAY call?  No announcement that they were having problems with engines or wings?

It sure sounds like someone blew that plane up.

Now I will ask again....if it was blown up...who do think might be responsible?
A)  Disgruntled Lutherans upset at being cut from the choir?
B)  Angry Methodists who want more potlucks?
C)  Upset Hindus who are mad that Christians have hijacked their YOGA practice?
D)  Suicidal Muslim who want to claim the world for Allah and usher in the 12th Imam?

Please think carefully before you answer.

Hat tip to James L.

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