
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Vanished Malaysian Plane Had Iranians On Board

How does a massive airliner, a Boeing 777, go missing without a trace?

Did an alien ship abduct the entire thing?...OR....did it get blown into bits by Muslim terrorists who waited until drinks had been served at 35,000 feet before they screamed, "Allah Akbar!" and detonated some explosives?

Investigators are grabbing for ANYTHING they could use to figure out what happened...because they can't find the plane!!

Today we learn this;

The two passengers that boarded the missing Malaysia Airlines plane with stolen passports are believed to be Iranian.

The secretary general of Interpol, Ronald Noble, said both passengers had earlier used Iranian passports that were not reported stolen or listed on Interpol's databases.

Mr Noble warned that more than a billion passports go unscreened as people board planes and cross boarders each year.


Now scratch you chin and say, "Hmmmmmm....."

What the heck were two Iranians with stolen passports doing on the plane?

What is the dominate religion in Iran?....Lutheran, Buddhist or Islam?

If you said Islam, you would be right!!  Shiite Islam is the major force in Iran.

Now what religion has been responsible for 99.999% of the suicide bombings in the past 30 years?

If you said Islam, you would be right!!

I'm not gonna lie....I smell something fishy here...and it smells like the so-called prophet, scratch you chin again and say, "Hmmmmm......"

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