
Friday, April 25, 2014

3 Married Lesbians Called a "Throuple"

Hey!  If you are a liberal that loved to post the = sign to your Facebook page as proof of your support of homosexual's time for you to take out those = signs again!!  This time in support of polygamy!!...or as some call it, "poly-fidelity".

Come on now....don't be an intolerant, polyphobic hater!  Please remember to tell us all how God loves everything! long as it is loving!!

Today we find Brynn, Kitten and Doll...three loving lesbians who are all "handfasted" in holy matrimony...just waiting for the Episcopal church to embrace their union!!...and baptize all the babies they plan on having!!

When asked what the benefits are to having three people in a marriage, one of the ladies notes that chores are much easier when distributed among three people. Good point. She went on to say, “poly-fidelity is not something seedy…. it can be a perfectly acceptable choice of life and love.”

The obvious question for the Western Anglican Church is, since blessing same sex married couples is now de rigueur, what possible reason could our trendy bishops have for not blessing - for excluding - committed poly-monogamous threesomes? After all, Jesus said absolutely nothing about poly-fidelity.

The so-called "throuple" worked with a specialist family lawyer who drew up the paperwork and drafted the ceremony so that all three of them are obligated and bound to each other.

While Brynn and Kitten are legally married, Doll is handfasted to both so the threesome are as equally married to each other as legally possible.

One wonders if the Episcopal Church will develop a liturgy for threesomes. Heavens! Why stop at just gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered when there is now a whole new level of poly-fidelity as yet liturgically unexplored? Of course to do so, would confirm that TEC is the church for absolutely all people, loved by a God who clearly endorses threesomes which means all that is left is a Rite to go with it all.


Next up?....Tim, Jim and Frank want to join!!  Then Phil, Ed, Mary and Martha!!  Then Peter, Fido, Spot and Tabitha...why not marry people, cats and dogs...they have had animosity for far too long!  It's the age of Aquarius!!

Sing with me now..."It's about love, love's about love, love, love!  That's what it's all about!  When god loves us, we love each other, mother, mother, mother, brother...everybody sing and shout!...cuz that's what it's all's about love, love, love."


  1. I know they are claiming 3 lesbians here, but I've gotta say, I'm pretty sure one of them is a dude! Either way, it's total perversion and I'm pretty sure the world will be completely cool with it.

  2. That's funny...I failed to look at the picture. Yes, I'm pretty certain the world WILL embrace it...if not this month.
