
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Is Russia Trying to Start a War?

I don't see a real happy ending to the situation in Ukraine.  The Russian speakers in the country have reported that they feel like 2nd class citizens and now that they see what happened in Crimea...they want it to happen in their Russian speaking towns too!!

"Come save us Putin!"

And I'm guessing that about the time the Ukrainian army tries to take back their government buildings taken over by the Russian rebels...Putin will come crashing in and take the whole town and claim it for "Mother Russia."

Now please remember why this is all so interesting....because of Ezekiel 38 and how "Gog-esque" that Putin seems to be acting.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Saturday that Russian military aircraft had crossed the country's airspace seven times "to provoke Ukraine to start a war."

"Russian military aircraft today overnight crossed and violated Ukrainian airspace seven times. The only reason is to provoke Ukraine to start a war," he told journalists at a briefing in Rome, following a meeting with Pope Francis and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Members of Arseniy Yatsenyuk's delegation told journalists he was returning to Ukraine later on Saturday amid escalating Ukrainian-Russian tensions.

The pope was meeting with foreign leaders arriving for the ceremony Sunday that will raise Popes John Paul II and John XXIII to sainthood. Francis gave Yatsenyuk a fountain pen, telling him, "I hope that you write 'peace' with this pen."

Yatsenyuk replied: "I hope so, too."

Russian warplanes violated Ukraine's airspace several times in the past 24 hours, a Pentagon spokesman said Friday, in the latest sign of a mounting confrontation between Moscow and Kiev.
"I can confirm that on several occasions in the last 24 hours, Russian aircraft have entered Ukrainian airspace," said Colonel Steven Warren.

He did not provide more details, including where the incidents occurred or what kind of Russian planes were involved.

Warren urged Russia to take "immediate steps to de-escalate the situation."


Putin might be reveling in all his popularity at home...but please remember that $$BILLIONS of capital is fleeing from his country.  Investors around the world are not very excited to see how he is behaving and also realizing the possibility that he will SEIZE the capital and even companies of anything he may deem a national asset.  After all, that's what Czars do.

How long can he allow that amount of capital to continue to exit his country??

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