
Monday, April 28, 2014

Britain is Now Post-Christian

It is being reported that Christians in Britain and now afraid to practice their faith....because there are so many atheists around, they feel you wonder if they know so little of what they believe they would be embarrassed to try and defend it?

Can you see how the same thing it coming to America?

The majority of Roman Catholics and Anglicans are scared to practise their faith in ‘post-Christian’ Britain says a former archbishop of Canterbury.

Lord Williams of Oystermouth, the former Dr Rowan Williams, claims that the country is not ‘a nation of believers’ and further decline is inevitable.

While the country is not populated exclusively by atheists, the former archbishop said that the era of regular and widespread worship is over.

He blamed the ‘real stupidity’ of some organisations for what many saw as the persecution of Lillian Ladele who left her job at Islington Town Hall because she refused to preside over civil partnerships for gay couples. She argued that forcing her to preside over civil partnerships went against her Christian beliefs.

In October 2006, Nadia Eweida, a Christian employee of British Airways, was asked to cover up a Christian cross, and was placed on unpaid leave when she refused either to do so or to accept a position where she did not have to cover it up.

Nadia Eweida, A British Airways worker involved in a row over the wearing of a Christian cross, who has lost her claim of religious discrimination

The online survey for the newspaper polled 2,000 adults and showed further evidence of concerns that Christian beliefs are being marginalised in modern Britain.

The poll found that 62 per cent of practising Catholics and Anglicans along with 61 per cent of non-practising Christians agreed that they were scared to express their beliefs, and 56 per cent of Christians also felt that the state gives less protection to their beliefs than to those of other faith groups.

Sadly that’s what happened in Britain for many years. Politicians didn’t talk about their faith because they were seen to be odd to do so.’ This fuelled a rise in support for far-Right groups in the UK, she said.

‘People say they are drawn to extremist groups because they feel their identity is under threat that they are not allowed to be who they are or believe what they believe.

‘That happens because people become unsure of what we stand for in our country. There is still sometimes a sense that the Christian heritage of Britain is not spoken about, not displayed. People don’t feel that they can dress in a Christian manner, can’t talk about Christianity and faith. These groups exploit that feeling and we have to stand up to that.’


Think about it here in America....a pollster goes up to someone's house and says, "Are you a Christian?"  I'm guessing a majority of Americans would say, "yes, I was raised Methodist." (or Catholic, or Lutheran or whatever....they went to Sunday school at one time so they think of themselves as a Christian)

The pollster would then check yes, and walk away to the next house.

But dig a little deeper into this and ask that person, "Where do you go to church?"
"I don't go."
"How often to you read the Bible?"
"I don't read it."
"Have you ever shared your faith with anyone?"
"Are you going to heaven?"
"Yes...I've been a pretty good person."
"Does that mean a good Buddhist also goes to your heaven?"
"Umm....yep, I guess so."
"How about a Muslim that's nice to his neighbors?"
"Umm....yep, him too."
"So there are lot's of different ways you can believe and still get to long as you're good?"
"Yep...I guess so."
"Do you believe in hell?"
"Not loving God would ever send anyone to such a place." are WE a Christian nation?  Because we know darn well that the vast majority of Americans have NO CLUE what Jesus said...and they have NO CLUE what the Bible how can they be expected to defend their faith?

And what happens when a team has a lousy defense in football??

They get steamrolled right over by the opponent's massive offense.

Of course nothing will totally throw down The Church....but there is no doubt that as it continues to build in China, Africa, Iran, seems to be dying in Britain, France, Norway, Sweden and now America.

What part are you and I doing to defend it?

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