
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Convergence Of Signs

Jesus told us that when you see the vultures gather you can know that a dead body is close.

If you see one vulture it doesn't tell you anything...but when you see a whole flock circling in the air you can KNOW a dead body is close by.

In the same way, if you hear of one doesn't mean anything.  But when you see wars, famines,  numerous earthquakes, violence, race against race, apathy, perversion, apostasy, violence, disrespectful kids, pestilence and can KNOW that something BIG may be just around the corner.

Jan Markell, and others, call this phenomenon, "Convergence".  And here are a bunch of the signs that we can clearly see that tell us that Christ must be close.  Here is Jan's website if you have never been there;

A convergence is a coming together of many things and in this context, a coming together of last days' signs the Bible told us to watch for. These signs are exploding. We don't just watch them; now we almost feel them. Here's a sample:

1) The "days of Noah" similarities have never been stronger. Corruption and violence characterized times then and now. There was genetic manipulation then and now. There was a preaching of the truth that was ignored. A decline in man's character was dramatic then and now. Earthly pleasures were all that mattered.  (Matt. 24, Luke 17)

2) Other than at her birth on May 14, 1948, Israel's modern-day significance has never been so significant. She is the center of the earth in so many ways: Politically, spiritually, geographically. Middle East tension or peace depends on her activity and choices. She could strike Iran any day and the entire globe would be destabilized. (Ezekiel 36-39)

3) Russia and Vladimir Putin are rising and Gog from the land of Magog may be stirring. We don't know for sure that Putin is Gog, but he is Gog-esque. He's a Czar wannabe and a tyrant and he will likely not stop with Crimea or Ukraine. (Ezekiel 38-39)

4) We have seen the rise of the "King of the South," Egypt. She has been prominent since the "Arab Spring" of 2011. She is currently out of the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood but that may be temporary. She is one of Israel's chief end-time enemies. (Daniel 11)

5) Technology is raging and that needs to happen for the Antichrist system to be installed. From "chip" technology to a cashless society, technology is racing and on fast-forward like never before. The "increase of knowledge" foretold in Daniel 12 is most prominent in the world of technology. The Antichrist system will be waiting for him to tap into. (Revelation 13, 17; Daniel 12)

6) Many are talking favorably about a one-world religion. Tony Blair has stated that he will spend the rest of his life pushing for this. The heads of many denominations and faiths see ecumenism as positive now. (Revelation 13, 17)

7) Apostasy is rising. Deception is the order of the day. While some claim there is yet to be a great revival, the Bible indicates that will next come in the Tribulation. Some of our most respected Christian leaders are being deceived. (Matt. 14; II Thess. 2; I Timothy 4)

8) The occult is soaring and much of it is drug-related as predicted. Witchcraft has never been so popular. The occult is normalized in the world and even the church. (Rev. 9; I Timothy 4)

9) Society is declining more rapidly than ever, and this ties in with point #1. There is the rampant rise of humanism, hedonism, immorality, and situation ethics. If it feels good, do it. (See Matt. 24; II Timothy 3; Jude 18: II Peter 3)

10) People are frantically running to and fro due to an increase in travel. In one generation, we have gone from the Wright Brothers to walking on the moon. (Daniel 12)

11) Christians and Jews are hated. The three-year rise in anti-Semitism and Christian persecution is staggering. Entire Christian communities in the Mideast and Africa are on the run.  (Luke 21)

12) There is an intense longing for a "Mr. Fix-It." The world yearns for a man with a plan who can fix the earth. In 2007 and 2008, many thought he was Barack Obama. Actor Mel Gibson recently stated that, "Someone must arise from the ashes and save us."

13) There are "signs in the Heavens."  We had the prominent Comet Ison in 2013 and we have blood moons coming in 2014 and 2015. (Luke 21; Joel 2)

14) Global instability is leading to much discussion about global government. Not one government anywhere works very well. Satan is stirring the pot everywhere. Global problems require global solutions. Most believe we are just one crisis away from global government. (Revelation 13)

15) The rise of evil is shocking. Righteous people can hardly stand to look at it. The corporate church is still here and is a positive restraining force. Imagine the level of evil when the church is gone. (II Timothy 3)

I could go on but you get the point! This "convergence" is unprecedented. It has never happened before with this intensity. 

Don't let our times get you down. Look up. He is coming soon.

Are we all feeling ready to meet The Lord?  Are we ready to give an account for our lives on what we did with our flesh AFTER salvation?  Are we happy with our record?  Are we expecting to receive any crowns or rewards?

If not, it's never too late to start.  Jesus says it will go well for the servant who is working hard when the Master returns.  I'm not sure what that means, but maybe it's meant to encourage us to spend more time doing the things that The Lord gifted us to do for the glory of His kingdom.

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