
Monday, April 7, 2014

Jews Watching Russia and Wondering If Messiah is Near

With Russia taking center stage in world events...even the Jews are now wondering if the War of Gog means that messiah is near.

The winds of war are brewing in the Middle East and they aren’t the “run-of-the-mill, what-you- see-on-the-news, day-after-day, year-after-year” skirmishes between Israel and their neighboring adversaries. 

It is a war of great magnitude that is thought to be the trigger war that will culminate in Armageddon. And interestingly enough Jews, Muslims and Christians seem to agree on the basic premise that indeed, an “end of days war” in the making right before our eyes.

Jews are talking about the possibility that Russia’s annexation of Crimea is a prophesied sign that Messiah is soon to come.

Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims fighting each other in Syria believe the battle there will spread to Israel and is their sign that that a global Caliphate will be soon be established and the Shi’ite messiah figure, the Imam Madi will soon appear.

Bible-believing Christians have been intensely watching events in the Middle East for the past several years as they have noted the gradual development of a tight military relationship between Iran and Russia, the key aggressors in the end-times war on Israel described in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39, commonly referred to as the war of Gog Magog. 

And now, Israeli news writer for, Chemi Shaley, says, “observers are watching closely developments in the Ukraine based on the idea that it could generate the conflict with Gog and Magog, one of the Bible’s heralds of the end times and the return of the Messiah.” 

Jews view the war of Gog and Magog as the event which immediately precedes messianic days, as Shaley notes, “Christians aren’t the only ones who are getting excited about the standoff in Eastern Europe. According to a report catching fire over the weekend in the haredi press in Israel, the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch told his disciples this week that the times of the Messiah are upon us. And who is the source for his amazing analysis? 

None other than one of the top Jewish sages of all time, the Vilna Gaon himself, the Gra, ‘the genius of Vilnius,’ the famously harsh critic of Hasidic Judaism.”


Did you catch that??  "And interestingly enough Jews, Muslims and Christians seem to agree on the basic premise that indeed, an “end of days war” in the making right before our eyes."

Amazing!!  The winds of war are blowing...the quakes are rattling...the nations are in distress...the Ezekiel 38 coalition is forming...Damascus is being destroyed...the enemies of Israel are all screaming...the blood moons are about to begin...violence is in the streets...perversion has taken on public approval...

Think about it...if Jesus were to walk into history right many people would still say, "I had no clue you were coming!!  Why didn't you give us some type of sign??

"As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man."  People were marrying, giving in marriage, vacationing, planning vacations, building their new dream homes, ordering their new trucks and motor homes when...BANG!!!....The Tribulation is upon them!  A time so horrible that if Jesus didn't come and cut those days short NO FLESH will have survived.

The harvest is at hand and the workers are few...are we all working for the kingdom or are we just working for ourselves?

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