
Monday, April 21, 2014

EMP's In the News Again

An Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) from either a nuclear explosion or a solar storm, are in the headlines again.

This one from Fox News;

Experts warn civilian world not ready for massive EMP-caused blackout

The catastrophic effects of an electromagnetic pulse-caused blackout could be preventable, but experts warn the civilian world is still not ready. 

Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both congressional advisory boards, said the technology to avoid disaster from electromagnetic pulses exists, and upgrading the nation's electrical grid is financially viable. 

"The problem is not the technology," Pry said. "We know how to protect against it. It's not the money, it doesn't cost that much. The problem is the politics. It always seems to be the politics that gets in the way." 

He said the more officials plan, the lower the estimated cost gets. 

"If you do a smart plan - the Congressional EMP Commission estimated that you could protect the whole country for about $2 billion," Pry told "That's what we give away in foreign aid to Pakistan every year." 

In the first few minutes of an EMP, nearly half a million people would die. That's the worst-case scenario that author William R. Forstchen estimated in 2011 would be the result of an EMP on the electric grid - whether by an act of God, or a nuclear missile detonating in Earth's upper atmosphere. 

An electromagnetic pulse is a burst of electromagnetic energy strong enough to disable, and even destroy, nearby electronic devices. 

See it Here;

And then check out this one;

North Korea EMP attack could destroy U.S. -RIGHT NOW

North Korea now has an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the United States, as demonstrated by their successful launch and orbiting of a satellite on Dec. 12, the Washington Times reports.

In fact, the Times report says, “North Korea is a mortal nuclear threat to the United States – right now.”

t’s not just the threat of conventional nuclear attack that has experts worried. Nor is the North Korea invasion scenario in the new remake of “Red Dawn” a realistic risk.

The real concern is that North Korea now has miniaturized nuclear weapons for ballistic missile delivery and armed missiles with nuclear warheads that could destroy the U.S. in a single blow with an EMP attack that would send the U.S. back to 19th century technology a la the NBC TV show “Revolution.”

And North Korea is hardly the only threat to destroy what some other nations and rogue players call “the Great Satan.”

Imagine if all the lights in America went off – never to come back on again.

Imagine if all the computers in America got fried – never to come back on again.

Imagine if all the cars in America dependent on fancy circuitry wouldn’t start – ever again.

Imagine if the grocery stores and the gas stations had to close up – for good.


Yes!...just imagine that!!  All of our false idols run by electricity would be silenced in the twinkling of an eye!!  No computers, no cars, no shopping, no cell phones....Holy lights out!!!

Then every day that we would wake up would be a blessing from God....and every thing we found to eat would be a blessing from God....and every day we stayed alive would be a blessing from God...and we would probably NEVER take anything for granted again!!  Maybe we would all start reading our Bibles as we look to God for our every need!!  Maybe we would contemplate our imminent deaths much more and ask Jesus for salvation if we were to die that day??

So with that as a back drop.....would the destruction of America by an EMP be a BLESSING for the souls residing in America who survived an EMP....or a curse??

Hat tip to Mick L.

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