
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Is the Earth Only 6000 Years Old?

Remember when Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton were both campaigning to win the Democratic ticket to run for President?  Remember how much fun that was to watch them shoot at each other and accuse each other or being liars and worse?

Of course the Republican Presidential hopefuls were doing the same thing...all shooting accusations at each other while the liberals feasted on the details.

That's kind of the same feeling you get when you read this article from the godless atheists reveling in the fight between Pat Robertson, who claims there is NO WAY the earth can be that young....and Ken Ham who asks God to forgive Robertson for being so deceived.

How do we know that Bill Nye won the creationism debate with Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis earlier this month? Simple: The Christian Right is now airing its grievances over the outcome publicly, with one of its top leaders saying the debate made Christians look completely out of touch.

Via Right Wing Watch, here's a video from last week of televangelist Pat Robertson blasting the idea that the Earth is only about 6,000 years old, as Young Earth creationists like Ham assert. "There 'aint no way that's possible," explains Robertson, noting that anyone working in the oil industry can see as much as they drill through layer after geological layer to extract ancient hydrocarbons. "You can't just totally deny the geological formations that are out there," Robertson continued. "Let's be real. Let's not make a joke of ourselves."

But that's just the beginning: Ham then responded to Robertson and raised the stakes further on Facebook. "Pat Robertson is so misinformed and deceived," Ham lamented. "Sad that so many will believe him." Ham later continued:

Oh, that God would convict and open the eyes of Christian leaders and Christian college and seminary professors, so many of whom are as uninformed and deceived as Pat Robertson. God have mercy.

The truth is that Ham did make a joke of himself, actually arguing at one point that lions were vegetarians before Noah's Flood. Such are the intellectual contortions required of Young Earth creationists who seriously want to insist, against not just biological but also geological and physical evidence, on an Earth that is younger than its oldest living tree.

Robertson, meanwhile, is no paragon of rationality: This is the same guy who asserted, in response to Walt Disney World's "Gay Days," that "I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you ... It'll bring about terrorist bombs; it'll bring earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor." And yet here, he comes off as the voice of moderation. Indeed, Robertson even seems to embrace a form of theistic or "progressive" evolution that is not necessarily incompatible with scientific understanding.

This suggests that, if nothing else, the creationism debate was highly disruptive of the evolution-creationism status quo. Just maybe, there will be enough upheaval on the Christian right to trigger a serious reconsideration of their attacks on science education across the country. (Wishful thinking, we know.)


Is this a spiritual battle??  OF COURSE IT IS!!!

Does Satan LOVE IT when Christians shoot at each other so he can re-play the carnage all over the liberal media and hope to discredit all people who claim Christ as savior??


So what are we supposed to do?

There are some awesome God-fearing, Bible believing Christians who know that God made the universe...and they don't CARE whether it was 6000 or 6 billion years ago...and are content to leave that up to God and figure He will explain it all when we get to heaven.

And then there are some awesome God-fearing, Bible believing Christians who say that the earth is only around 6000 years old and Noah's flood happened about 4000 years ago....and the atheists of the world have hidden the evidence of a young earth and have now brainwashed all our school kids to reject the Bible and start down the path toward unbelief.

So why can't these folks co-exist?

Simple, because you can't have it both ways.  If you want to dismiss the story of Noah's ark as a fairy tale...then you are calling into question the honesty of Jesus Christ...because Jesus spoke of Noah and the flood.

Luke 17:27
People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

And of course if you are one willing to say that Jesus never said that...then you are taking away the TRUTH OF SCRIPTURE and you may as well throw it all out.

And of course if you are saying that Jesus was mistaken about Noah and a flood....then Jesus wasn't really the perfect, spotless lamb and his death on the cross is all tainted.

So you see, it really is kind of a big deal.

What do you think??  What should Ken Ham and Pat Robertson do?  Pat thinks Ken is making us all look like fools...and Ken thinks Pat is making us all look like fools.

Are we all fools?

Please share your comments with me so I can post them for all to see.



  1. It does matter that we Trust God and His-Story for what it is and let it be that man thinks His ways are foolish....that will be the way it will be. We need to be still and know that God Is God and let God strengthen us to walk in the Spirit, not the flesh,and use our God given gift to work in the Harvest now at hand.

  2. I rec'd this email from Randy today and he said I could post it to this discussion.

    LOOK OUT-A can of worms! A can of worms!

    However I may as well throw my 2 cents in.....

    Genesis 1:1 states God created the heaven and earth.
    1:2 states the earth was without form and void. I know of of nothing that He has made AFTER day one that is
    "without form and void." Some say the Hebrew shows a time period between Verse 2 and 3, same say not.

    Those who truly study the earth say it IS older than 6,000 years.

    I go with the earth was here much longer than 6,000 years. HOWEVER - the earth as we know it, or as least as it was before the Flood, is 6,000 years old...give or take a few weeks. It changed a fair amount during the
    Flood....but thats another can of worms.

    One way or the other, it changes nothing after God said Let there be light...His Word is still true and
    shall always be true.
    Why would it be a surprise that God may have had something going on here before He started the age, or time of man? We tend to think of eternity as going forward, and for us it does. God, however, has been around
    a very long "time".

    To repeat:
    One way or the other, it changes nothing after God said Let there be light...His Word is still true and
    shall always be true. !!!!! Just my 2.
