
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Watch the Hatred Fly

One day in America it may become extremely difficult to say, "I trust in Jesus, I believe the Bible is the Word of God and I also believe this whole world isn't going to come to an end one second before God says so...because He created it all and he will put an end to it all."

I'm beginning to believe that that day is a lot closer than we think.

Look at the man-made Global Warming debate.  This debate is REALLY nasty because the atheists and/or liberals who disagree with you are REALLY MAD that YOU ARE DESTROYING their planet and yet you are so happily clinging to Jesus for eternal life.


If you answer their scream with, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but God is who I worship...not the earth.  We worship the Creator not the created things." may get them to erupt in anger.

Now, when there are enough of those people...and we are graduating millions of them every year from colleges across the may soon be targeted for hate speech, global warming denial, or you may have your land, liberty and possessions confiscated because you REFUSE to buy into their man-made Global warming/Save the earth mantra.

Below is an article that is talking about Jared Diamond who is the author of GUNS, GERMS AND STEEL.  He clearly believes we descended from chimps and if we don't shape up NOW we are all going to be living in a new stone age by 2114...which is just a hundred years from now.

The article is amazing because it confirms how, "The fool says in his heart, 'there is no God'"...but I'm going to start with the comments that follow the article...and watch the hatred fly when someone dares to question man-made global warming.

First comment;
     The Sky Is Falling,... The Sky Is Falling....
Another Chicken Little.....

     When it all falls apart I'm hunting you first.

First Commenter;
     I'm betting the only things worried about being hunted by you are the Ho-Hos in your pantry.

     Another fucktarded example of Reichwing projection. The Christofascist demographic scarfs up junk food, gets obese and dies early, after mooching their medical care from the public trough. Those in the center & on the left believe in personal responsibility. They avoid packaged poison, fried foods and moronic teevee. They also get more exercise. Your attenuated intellect only allows for projection of your surroundings. You aren't personally acquainted with anyone other than rural, white, ill-educated, bible-thumping fundamentalist losers. Keep on lashing out. Show us your fear, your pathetic hatred of diversity and your deep insecurities. Those who are better are much amused.

And there you have it.....deny global warming and within seconds you are called a Christofacist and a bible-thumping fundamentalist loser!!...even though Christ and the Bible weren't mentioned ANYWHERE!!

Do you think when the world has enough of these types of people they will be MORE THAN WILLING to put all of us Bible thumpers in jail??

See this whole article here;

Remember, Christ clearly told us that the world will HATE US because it hated Him first.

Are we going to escape this planet before we get put in jail by the Global Warming Police??....or might Christ leave us here long enough to see what happens when we are disobedient and adulterous in our relationship with Him?

As you read 1 and 2 Kings you will quickly come to realize that there are SEVERE consequences for those who REFUSE to live by God's standards.  And we KNOW God is never even though we are promised to avoid the wrath of God...might we be expected to endure the earthly consequences of our disobedient and adulterous ways?

Of course I don't know the answer....I'm just throwing it out as a question to ponder.

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