
Monday, April 14, 2014

Obama's Peace Process Went "Poof"

One of the major signs of where we are on God's prophetic calendar is all the discussion about peace surrounding Israel.

We KNOW that after the Rapture, the Antichrist will be revealed and will work hard to put together a 7 year peace accord that will be signed by Israel and her surrounding enemies.  Half way through that peace agreement, the Antichrist will sit in the soon to be built Temple and declare himself to be God.  This will usher in the final 3 1/2 years for planet earth and the countdown will begin for the return of Messiah-Jesus.

Not to be left out of the long line of U.S. Presidents who have tried and failed to bring peace to the region....Team Obama was pushing hard for some type of peace between Israel and the Arabs of Palestine.

Thankfully for those of us who live in the USA...Team Obama's plans of pressuring Israel to divide her land, have gone, "poof".

To agree to a peace framework, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wanted a fourth, and controversial, group of prisoners released. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted enough concessions to get the release approved by his cabinet.

To keep the Palestinians at the table, Kerry needed to keep the Israelis at the table, so he and his team did something that no American official had, over the many times that Israelis had asked for Pollard’s release — they discussed it, according to a source familiar with the talks. And, once that news had leaked, the United States acknowledged the discussion, with all the risk that entailed.

Instead, two days later, the process had gone “poof,” as Kerry later put it to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Obama and his aides felt they’d learned from the failure of previous presidents’ peace process attempts — and their own in the first term — and were determined not to make the same mistakes.
The Pollard gambit capped off months of stumbling into others.

And it encapsulated how the latest American peace attempt that’s consumed the last nine months went wrong: Kerry, confident he could get through to Netanyahu and warning that Abbas was getting older and with a waning grip on power, was determined to get some kind of agreement, however small. Obama, while staying in touch privately with Kerry, wasn’t talking about the issue publicly — and then when he did, his timing and his reluctance to get more invested inadvertently caused even more trouble.

Smaller scale talks have continued since Kerry, declaring “reality-check time,” left the region. But the mood is clear: the Israeli government is running out of interest. The Palestinian government is tired of not having its bigger demands met. Americans are frustrated, to the point of giving up.
At best, the latest deterioration has meant the last year was a waste of time and effort. At worst, it’s escalated and accelerated precisely the kind of breakdown that Obama and Kerry were trying to avoid, with all the parties feeling spurned at exactly the time when many experts on the region agree time’s running out.

Read more:

Interesting....the experts in the region agree that time's running out....FOR WHAT??  War??

You see, all of the NEW WORLD ORDER folks believe that if the world is going to have peace and come together on a global scale, that peace has to start with the violent Middle East.  And since the New World Order has always been would only make sense that they would pressure Israel to give up land that would make the remaining nation indefensible.

Of course the USA tells Israel that, "You can count on us to defend you!  So don't worry about your borders being defensible."

Right!!  Would you trust America, these days, to fulfill ANYTHING that it promises?

I wouldn't...and I'm an American!!

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