
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Richard Dawkins Admits Intelligent Design

Why are liberals and atheists so concerned about making sure that intelligent design can't be a possible cause of creation?  Because they want to live their lives exactly as they want to live them. They want to do whatever their minds come up with and they do not want to believe there is any creator that some day might hold them responsible for what they did with their lives.

With that in mind, one of the most famous atheists in the world is Richard Dawkins.  He has written a book called THE GOD DELUSION and thinks anyone who believes in an invisible God speaking the universe into existence must be suffering from a delusion.

Now watch this video where Richard Dawkins ADMITS that intelligent design could be the reason that we are all here;

After you see this video you will be convinced that Richard doesn't have any problem with believing that SOME SORT OF INTELLIGENCE CREATED US....he just has a major problem believing that GOD IS THAT INTELLIGENCE.

Aliens?....yes.  God? way!

So why can't the schools teach intelligent design?  They wouldn't have to teach WHO that designer was...but simply say, "Since we have NO SCIENTIFIC proof of how all of what we see came into existence, we must leave the possibility wide open that a higher being of some sort created all of what we see...including life.  Of course it is up to you to determine WHO that higher being is."

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