
Thursday, May 15, 2014

5 Places NOT to Be When Dollar Collapses

I ran across this video that tells of the U.S. Dollar's soon collapse.  It was posted on YouTube just over 2 years ago and is pretty interesting for a few reasons.

First off, you can clearly see the chart of how U.S. debt has taken on a "hockey stick graph" over these last few years.  Quite honestly, it would appear that we have passed the point of no return when it comes to our debt.  We will have no choice to print MORE MONEY to pay the interest on the debt we owe.  Forget about any plans whatsoever to pay off the debt...that ain't gonna happen!

The video then goes on to talk about the PETRODOLLAR that we just blogged on yesterday and confirms some of what we said.

He then gets into listing the top 5 places YOU DON'T WANT TO BE when the U.S. Dollar collapses...and WHERE do you think the #1 place is?

Yep!!!  ISRAEL!!

He claims that when the US can't afford to protect Israel that all of it's angry Muslim neighbors will swoop down destroy here.

Hmmm.....I don't think it's going to happen like that.

#2 is Southern California.  The place is already bonkers and today is burning out of control.  When the food stamps fail to show up around Los Angeles....the place will come apart in mayhem.

So go ahead and give it a watch.  It's pretty interesting.


"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the Lord your God.  Amos 9:15

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