
Thursday, May 15, 2014

There Will Be Famine

One of the signs that Jesus told us to watch for was famine.  Of course that can be caused by numerous reasons such as war, bugs and disease...but drought would probably be the #1 cause.

Partially Parched: Half of US Is In Drought

Half of the United States is experiencing drought, according to the latest numbers from the U.S. National Drought Monitor.

The drought is deepest in California and the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles, according to the latest drought map, released May 8. Most of California is in extreme or exceptional drought, and triple-digit heat was returning to Texas and Oklahoma, according to Mark Svoboda of the National Drought Mitigation Center, who penned a report on recent drought conditions.

"This is not the recipe for recovery as the calendar pushes toward summer," Svoboda wrote of the heat in the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. "What winter wheat wasn't damaged or killed off by recent hard freezes was left to bear the brunt of the heat and dryness this week, with little in the way of relief on the horizon."

The U.S. drought is concentrated in the Plains states and in the West, though Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Appalachians stretching from West Virginia into eastern Tennessee are all experiencing abnormal dryness.

California has been in a state of drought for three years, and officials declared a state of emergency over the extreme lack of water in January. The final snow survey of the year, released May 1, revealed that the state's snowpack is at only 18 percent of average for that date. The northern Sierra Nevadas were particularly hard hit, with only 7 percent of water content in the snowpack compared with the average.

Even worse, a survey from April 1, when snowpack moisture is at its peak, found only 32 percent of the water content compared with historical averages, according to California's Department of Water Resources. As of April 25, the entire state of California was in some level of drought for the first time in the Drought Monitor's 15-year history.

Meanwhile, the state's reservoirs are only at about half capacity, the Department of Water Resources warned, and the rainy season is largely over.


Of course, in the Old Testament, God was use drought as a wake up call for His people that they needed to turn and repent...and until then, He wouldn't send the rain.

So we have no idea if that's what's going on....but we do know that we get MOST of our food from California...and we do know that they are in an unprecedented drought...and we do know that drought leads to famine...and we do know that Jesus said that will be ONE of the signs that The Tribulation is close.

Guess you will have to decide if this qualifies as something to "Watch!"

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