
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A "Positive" Abortion Story

Friends...if you want to see how far our culture has fallen...please read this story about a smiling woman having an abortion on video to show everyone that "it's really not that bad."

I am reminded of the last verse in Judges as I read this article, "In those days Israel had no king; every man (and woman) did as he saw fit."

Remember, God told the prophet Jeremiah that he was called for his job as prophet before he was put in his mother's womb!  God knew us before we were created!!  He knows us all in the womb! We are humans at conception!!  To that there can be NO DOUBT!

Killing a baby because you don't want stretch marks or you want to avoid the embarrassing stares from others IS NOT GOING TO PLAY WELL at judgment please, if you are reading this and haven't asked Jesus to save you and cleanse you from all your sin, I would suggest you do it now.

It’s time for all of us to understand that we are at war, and lives are at stake.

The enemy — the self-worshipping death cult known as modern liberalism — has become increasingly vile, violent, and deceitful, and so we must become increasingly bold, fearless, and aggressive in our response.

If you don’t believe me, consider this video.

Before you click on that link, I should warn you of its contents. It depicts a woman named Emily Letts — self described ‘patient advocate’ — getting an abortion. Now, Emily’s clip does not show any of the possibly less palatable aspects of hiring a contract killer to murder your child. Instead, it shows her smiling and giggling about how she got pregnant but ‘wasn’t ready for a baby.’ The portion where she actually gets the abortion only gives a glimpse of her face, as she chuckles and goes on about how ‘lucky’ she is, and how ‘supportive’ all of her abortion doctors have been.

It’s funny, I suppose murderers tend to be ‘supportive’ when you pay them 400 dollars to do what they do best.

When the ‘procedure’ is completed, Emily says “cool!” and is wheeled out of the room, childfree and grinning from ear to ear.

“I’m done! YAY!”

She laughs and celebrates as if she’d just gotten a tattoo, or her belly button pierced.

The video then jumps forward a few days, and treats us to Emily’s reflections on how the slaughter of her child has positively impacted her life. In perhaps the most bizarre and unsettling part of the entire bizarre and unsettling video, she says this:
“I feel in awe of the fact that I can make a baby. I can make a life. I knew what I was doing was right because it was right for me, and no one else.”

The last sentence perfectly encapsulates the entire philosophy of American ‘progressivism.’ I know what I’m doing is right, because it’s right for me. One day, I believe that phrase will be the epithet on the tombstone of modern culture.

I know that it is right — because it’s right for me. So succinct, so emblematic, so tragic.


You know we are living in the days that Isaiah prophesied...when good will be called evil and evil will be called good.

So how will WE, who claim to be followers of Christ, continue to be salt and light while morality and depravity come crashing in all around us?

The Bible tells us that the righteous in Judah, like Daniel and his friends, got punished right along with the wicked...they ALL got hauled off to Babylon.  Of course God will see his people through....but we are kidding ourselves if we still believe that God will never judge America....because we are mostly "good" people.

We have allowed 50,000,000 little babies to be killed for $300 a piece...and had them sacrificed to the false idol of CONVENIENCE.  The blood of those babies HAS to be calling out to their Creator for "justice!"

Hat tip to Teresa D.

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