
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Harvard to Host Satanic Mass

Remember friends...I'm not WRITING the headlines...I'm just posting some as I come across them.  It's up to you to decide whether they are a) Appalling b) Awful, c) Concerning, d) Prophetic, e) Interesting, f) Boring, g) Yawn

Personally, I think this next bit of news is b,...awful.  Especially when you look back on Harvard's illustrious history and remember that it used to train future ministers of the Gospel.

( – A Satanic Black Mass reenactment is scheduled to take place at the Queen’s Head Pub in Memorial Hall at Harvard University on May 12, with the Mass performed by The Satanic Temple, which is being hosted for the event by the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club.

A non-consecrated communion host will be used in the reenactment, according to Lucien Greaves, spokesman for The Satanic Temple.

“While Black Masses are supposed to utilize a consecrated host, ours is merely representative of a consecrated host,” Greaves told  “It is not consecrated. We neither believe in nor invoke the supernatural.”

“To us, the Black Mass is an amalgamation that developed through time based on witch-hunting fears and later adopted by some as a declaration of personal Independence against what they felt to be the stifling authority of the church,” said Greaves.

Harvard University was launched in 1639 through a financial gift from the Protestant clergyman John Harvard.  In its early decades, Harvard trained many Protestant ministers who went on to serve the various Christian churches of New England.

The Satanic Temple, which is scheduled to perform the reenactment Black Mass, is the same group that is trying to have a statue of Satan (depicted as “Baphomet”) installed on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol.


"But aren't reporting on all the awesome things that are happening all over the world!"

Ummm...yes, I am....when I can find the cool stories about Muslims coming to Christ by the thousands...I have blogged on it.

Also, if Jesus had said to "watch" for all the awesome stuff like peace, love, unity, selflessness, harmony, and nations coming together...we might be WATCHING AND WAITING FOR THOSE THINGS....BUT HE DIDN'T.

He said to watch for wars, rumors of wars, race against race, earthquakes, famines, violence, selfishness, love growing cold, pestilence, false teachings in the church, etc....

"But because you are lukewarm, I will SPIT you out of my mouth," said Jesus.

So watch!  Pay attention! Pray always!  Be busy!  Make a disciple!  Read your Bible!...and don't put a whole lot of confidence in the US government to bail out this sinking we plunge headlong into immorality, debauchery and every man doing as he sees fit.

God never promised us he would SPARE us the hardships that go along with living in a falling nation that has rejected His Son....He promised that he would walk with us THROUGH THE FIRE.

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