
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Are Christians Right About Gay Marriage?

This article was on the headline news of Yahoo today.

More evidence that Pandora's Box has been opened and there will be no going back to ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN, and no end to what people will demand to call "marriage".

Same-sex marriage is becoming a national inevitability. A cascade of court opinions, significant public support, not to mention increasingly sympathetic gay couples and increasingly implausible opposition—all these and more point to an emerging national consensus that “gay marriage” is actually a form of “marriage.” It’s not exactly clear when the hump took place—but we definitely seem to be over it.

Which leads to a perfectly logical question: What’s next? Moderates and liberals have argued that same-sex marriage is No Big Deal—it’s the Same Love, after all, and gays just want the same lives as everyone else. But further right and further left, things get a lot more interesting. What if gay marriage really will change the institution of marriage, shifting conceptions around monogamy and intimacy? On the other hand, what if the domesticating institution of marriage changes—and even erases—the more libertine tendencies of gay culture?

Obviously, we now know that the sky doesn’t fall when gays get married. Contrary to the hysterical claims that same-sex marriage would threaten marriage in general, 10 years of experience in Massachusetts have shown the opposite: The divorce rate has gone down, and straight kids aren’t suddenly turning gay.

At the same time, there is some truth to the conservative claim that gay marriage is changing, not just expanding, marriage.  According to a 2013 study, about half of gay marriages surveyed (admittedly, the study was conducted in San Francisco) were not strictly monogamous. 

This fact is well-known in the gay community—indeed, we assume it’s more like three-quarters. But it’s been fascinating to see how my straight friends react to it. Some feel they’ve been duped: They were fighting for marriage equality, not marriage redefinition. Others feel downright envious, as if gays are getting a better deal, one that wouldn’t work for straight couples. Maybe they’re right; women are from Venus, after all. Right?

If you think about it, actual monogamy has never been the Western norm. A monogamous ideal, sure—but men could always sleep around, hire prostitutes, and even have long-term affairs with few societal consequences. After all, it’s not single men who’ve made prostitution the world’s oldest profession.


Remember friends, Noah built the ark are preached REPENTANCE for 120 years before the sky literally did fall...and the flood came and took them all away.

Funny how this author says, "we know that the sky doesn't fall when gays get married."  Really?  How do you know that?....because it's been all of 10 years that it's been legal in one state??

And now notice what is going to come next in this author's points....that MONOGAMY is a made up deal that really shouldn't be mandatory.  After all...if the gays can be happily married having some extra-marital sex partners...why should we expect married men and women to stay monogamous?

Certainly we are very near to the times of Judges...where everyone does as he sees fit.  There will no longer be anything called RIGHT or will be up to each person to decide what is RIGHT or WRONG for him.

Lord, have mercy.  His judgment WILL FALL...we just have no idea when and we followers of Christ have no idea whether Jesus will come for His bride BEFORE America gets judged OR if we will get swept up in the judgment just like Daniel and his friends did when Judah fell.

Either way, FEAR NOT because Jesus promises that he will NEVER leave us and NEVER forsake us...regardless of how things go down.


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