
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Jihad Will Only End When America is Gone

Iran is a country filled with angry, Muslim men.

Now please remember that God is doing an amazing work in ancient Persia.  Thousands of people are coming to Christ on a daily basis.  The Gospel of Jesus is being beamed into the country (illegally) and picked up by citizens using illegal satellite dishes.

Now here are the latest rantings that the Supreme Leader of Iran had to say;

Iran's supreme leader has said that his country's struggle will only end when it defeats U.S.-led oppression.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told members of parliament in Tehran that Iran must be armed and 'have the capability to defend itself' in a 'world full of thieves'.

His comments came as negotiations with the international community over Iran's nuclear programme ran into a stalemate, with Tehran saying world powers were 'demanding too much'.

'Battle and jihad are endless because evil and its front continue to exist,' Khamenei told MPs, according to a translation by U.S. news site The Daily Caller.

'This battle will only end when the society can get rid of the oppressors’ front with America at the head of it, which has expanded its claws on human mind, body and thought.

'This requires a difficult and lengthy struggle and need for great strides.'

The Daily Caller's translation of a Fars News Agency report is by a reporter pseudonymously bylined Reza Khalili, who claims to be a former CIA agent in Iran's Revolutionary Guard.

Khamenei's address to Parliament on Sunday continued with veiled references to the actions of the West and Arab states as he justified Iran's continued defiance of international sanctions against its nuclear programme.

'Logic and reason command that for Iran, in order to pass through a region full of pirates, needs to arm itself and must have the capability to defend itself,' he said.


"Death to America!  Death to America!  Death to Israel!  Death to Israel!"

Some liberals will tell us that's all just old news and that they don't really mean don't give it another thought!

Really??  Do you really want this Supreme Leader to have his finger on the button of a nuclear missile?

It certainly seems like a show-down is going to have to happen.  Someone is going to have to prevent these dudes from getting a nuclear weapon...and with Russia maybe signing a deal to build them 8 new nuclear reactors....don't you think it's possible they will use some of the material to build a weapon?

It sure sounds like a push is happening to make Ezekiel 38 a soon reality.

Of course the GOOD NEWS is that GOD IS IN CONTROL!

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