
Monday, May 5, 2014

Class of '65 Had Dreams....

I was driving to the office this morning and pulled up behind a mammoth motor home pulling a mammoth trailer that clearly had a fancy car inside.

On the back of the trailer in large letters was written;


A few thoughts....if you have to advertise to the world that you ARE living your dream...are you really?

Also, doesn't that seem like a desperate cry for help..."Look at me!!  I'm retired with a huge motor home and fancy car!  Pay attention to me!!"

And finally, when he meets Jesus...will his "DREAM LIFE" of driving his motor home around to car shows bear eternal fruit?  Will his dream be rewarded in the next life??

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not judging him...maybe he is a HUGE witness for Christ when he pulls into all these car shows...maybe he hands out Jesus pamphlets where ever the road leads him....BUT....when you see a sign like that painted so prominently on his prized possessions...I'm just going to take a wild guess and say that MAYBE those possessions are his false idol??

It's a good reminder to us all to focus on eternal things and spend our time using our spiritual gifts so that when we meet Christ he might say to us, "Well done good and faithful servant!"

I heard an awesome quote last week from a lady that sponsors children in Africa...."Don't worry about failing at something that is important...instead, you should worry about being successful at something that is meaningless." convicting....

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