
Monday, May 5, 2014

New "International Order"

Many prophecy watchers have been watching movement towards a NEW WORLD ORDER.  This new order will be necessary for the Antichrist to grab hold of it and usher in the Mark of the Beast.

Today we find this headline from a Chinese News Source, and the main photo is Putin shaking hands with a Chinese leader;

Obama forced to concede new 'international order'

The rise of China and Russia is forcing the US president, Barack Obama, to concede the dawn of a new "international order" that is no longer controlled by the United States, reports Duowei News, an outlet run by overseas Chinese.

Delivering a commencement speech over the weekend at the US Military Academy at West Point, Obama said he would seek a new international order with more international cooperation, stronger international standards and institutions and alliances to help resolve challenges ranging from terrorism, nuclear proliferation, climate change to economic decline.

Starting from the end of World War II and particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US has not had any real challengers to its power, leading it to make decisions that disrupt international order, such as its ill-based decision to invade Iraq without United Nations approval, without many repercussions, Duowei said.

As such, the US idea of international order is one in which the global rules don't apply to themselves but do apply to the rest of the world, Duowei added.

History has proven, however, that there is no power that can maintain its hegemony forever and there are signs that the US is losing its grip, Duowei said, adding that the impact of the global financial crisis on the US and Europe has paved the way for China and Russia to re-emerge.

The United States is not sitting idly by as the power of China and Russia rises, but rather they have continued to strengthen their presence in the Asia-Pacific region, however, through strategic alliances with Japan and the Philippines, both of which are embroiled in tense terrritorial disputes with China.

While the Philippines has little effect on international order apart from being a constant headache to China, Japan presents a different story especially after Obama affirmed its commitment to defending Tokyo in the event of a conflict over the Diaoyutai, Duowei said.

Faced with losing its place in the global pecking order, the United States can no longer continue to act as though it is the leader of the world, Duowei said, adding that the only option is for Washington to ditch its double standards and jointly safeguard international order by respecting the political systems and development path of different countries.


Funny how this Chinese author states that we are "Faced with losing its place in the global pecking order..."

Yep...$17 trillion in debt and $50 trillion more unfunded government liabilities coming in the next few decades will certainly challenge our ability to function as the leader of the world.

Obama's hope to "Lead from behind" may come as our reality a lot sooner than anyone thought possible.

Of course as we read the Bible, we realize that the current system needs to have some sort of major collapse/ that the new system can be ushered in.

I am amazed that our house of cards hasn't collapsed already...and am beginning to seriously wonder if it isn't being held up ONLY to collapse AFTER the Rapture of the church.

Remember that America's economy would probably be the most SERIOUSLY affected when the trumpet blows...announcing the Bridegroom is at hand!  And when America falls, the crash will reverberate across the world.

Even so...come Lord Jesus!

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