
Monday, May 5, 2014

The Importance of Prophecy

Pastor Rick Warren seems to have a disdain for prophecy...which is funny since somewhere between 25 and 30% of the Bible has something to do with prophecy.

In his bestselling book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren mocks Bible prophecy when he writes, “If you want Jesus to come back sooner, focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy.” He then goes on to characterize prophecy as a “distraction” and says that anyone who lets himself get involved in distractions like studying prophecy: “Is not fit for the kingdom of God.”

Some people have told me, "Dennis, why waste time thinking about the things that are coming...just stay focused on doing Kingdom work today!"

Ummm...why would anyone call studying God's Word a waste of time? How about Revelation 19:10 which says: “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

As I have said NUMEROUS TIMES on this blog...DON'T GO DIG A HOLE IN MONTANA and stock it with food and ammo!!  Don't have a spirit of fear! Don't be a hoarder!!

DO have your eyes open for the mission field that God has placed you in and be ready to have an answer for the hope that you have!  Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are desperate to hear the words of eternal life..SO GET BUSY!!

Remember, Jesus told us to "Watch!"  He also told us that if we don't wake up THEN he will come as a thief in the night and we will have no clue!....BUT if we are awake to prophecy then His coming WON'T surprise us like a thief!!

So what would you rather say to Jesus when he comes, "Wow!  I had no clue you were coming!  I was just eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, going to Vikings games and building my 401k...had I known you were coming, I may lived these last years differently!"...OR...."Jesus!  I am so pumped to see you!  We were watching all the signs that you gave us and we were BUSY ABOUT doing your work as we lived EXPECTANTLY awaiting your arrival!"

With that as a backdrop, please take a few minutes and read this article titled, THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPHECY....because it really is important.


Our time here on earth is SHORT!...I don't care if Jesus comes tomorrow or 100 years from now. Most of us reading this article will be GONE from this earth in the next 50 the finish line is in let's all run with eternal purpose.

Some years ago an older man at my office saw that I was getting excited about Bible reading and he told me, "Dennis, don't get so heavenly minded that you become no earthly good."  Wow!  Deep!  I thought that maybe he quoted that from the Bible!

I wish I had the spiritual maturity at that time to say, "Jim, don't get so earthly minded that you become no heavenly good."

So which one are you?

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