
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jews Preparing to Leave Ukraine

Have you noticed quite a few articles, as of late, that report of anti-Semitism?

Here is one more;


Most of the Jews living in Ukraine are now filling out paperwork to prepare for emigration to Israel if necessary, Ukraine’s chief rabbi, Yaacov Dov Bleich, said Sunday in a radio interview.

While he stopped short of calling for mass evacuation, Bleich said he is encouraged by those Ukrainian Jews who are making Aliyah, or emigrating to the Jewish state, to “take care of themselves.”

In an interview on Aaron Klein’s Sunday night radio show on New York’s 970 AM The Answer, Bleich squarely blamed the violence ripping the country apart on Russia and its allies in Ukraine.

He stated, “All of the violence, and when I say all, I mean every single case of violence of Ukrainian against Ukrainian has been instigated and implemented by the pro-Russians – initiated, implemented, instigated.”

In an interview on Aaron Klein’s Sunday night radio show on New York’s 970 AM The Answer, Bleich squarely blamed the violence ripping the country apart on Russia and its allies in Ukraine.

He stated, “All of the violence, and when I say all, I mean every single case of violence of Ukrainian against Ukrainian has been instigated and implemented by the pro-Russians – initiated, implemented, instigated.”Regarding Ukraine’s Jewish community, which has been facing an increasingly hostile environment, Bleich stressed he is not calling for mass evacuation “and we aren’t telling people to run away because who knows what will happen, what will be.”

He continued: “We still are quite optimistic. However, at the same time, most of the Jews and whoever has a possibility is preparing documents so that if they want to make Aliyah there will be nothing to hold them up.”


Don't be surprised to find more and more articles reporting of violence and intimidation against Jews exploding all over the world.  Don't be surprised to even find it growing here in America.  So when you see Jewish cemeteries desecrated with swastikas...don't be surprised.  When you read that Hitler's book, MEIN KAMPF is a best seller in many nations...don't be surprised.  When you see even the Evangelical church of America starting to side with the Arab lies surrounding Palestine...and threatening to boycott Israel...don't be surprised.

The Jews WILL BE regathered back to God's Holy Land for the prophecies of the Last Days to be fulfilled.  Some will go back there willingly, but some will need to be forced out of their comfortable positions in foreign countries...and I believe we may be seeing that play out right before our very eyes.

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